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Samantha Capper ([info]propriety) wrote,
@ 2008-01-14 22:51:00

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14 MAY
Everyone, please remain calm. I'm certain there is an explanation is forthcoming but in the meantime, if your hands are free, perhaps you could tend to some of the younger years. I imagine the evening must be rather confusing for them. Remember to be patient.

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2008-01-15 07:29 am UTC (link)
samantha i am so confused :(

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2008-01-15 07:43 am UTC (link)
I'm afraid that seems to be going around tonight. If you would like you can come sit with Evie and I.

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2008-01-15 07:52 am UTC (link)
i don't think i want to move but thank you.

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2008-01-15 07:58 am UTC (link)
I don't think Evie is quite in a state to move either. If I see someone however, I will certainly send them your way. Just remember that no matter what has or will happen it will work out.

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2008-01-15 08:07 am UTC (link)
if you see philip can you tell him i would like him to hold me? i am so cold.

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2008-01-15 08:11 am UTC (link)
Of course I will. In fact, I believe I'll send someone to look for him.

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