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Samantha Capper ([info]propriety) wrote,
@ 2008-01-17 20:00:00

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17 MAY: Filtered to Slytherins
All right, everyone! I've taken your suggestions into consideration and here is the list of films I've come up with. I tried to make things a good mixture of comedic and action-packed. If you have any complaints feel free to voice them, though I hope you keep in mind that this was a difficult choice and I would have liked to have include everyone's suggestions but there are simply not enough hours in the day. We'll be starting at 1PM and I've included runtimes to give those of you uninterested in some of the choices the chance to do other things while you wait for the next film to begin. I will look into having popcorn and various sweets provided for us.

My Little Pony (1 hour and 26 min.) / The Lion King (1 hour and 29 min.) *
The Wizard of Oz (1 hour and 41 min.)
The Princess Bride (1 hour and 38 min.)
Rambo (1 hour and 34 min.)

Saturday **
Some Like It Hot (2 hours)
Mary Poppins (2 hours and 19 min.)

* As I've said before, this night is not only for us but for the younger years. I thought perhaps some of the male younger years would not appreciate My Little Pony as much as the female younger years so I've procured a copy of The Lion King and will be giving them a choice.

** I will be watching Some Like It Hot and Mary Poppins on my own the next day because there simply wasn't enough time to include it and still have time for other choices. Anyone who would like to watch with me is free to do so.

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