[Name:] Ana
The Basics
[Name:] Prince Phillip
[Journal username:]
[Age:] 23
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] Yes
[Story the character is from:] Sleeping Beauty
[Their One Supreme Talent:] Can talk to horses. Which is convenient, since his horse came with him to the Village.
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:] Good. (Though could end up doing "bad" things with good intentions. Possibly this puts him in the "undecided" category.)
[Where do they live:] The Castle
[PB:] Kyle Schmid
[Description:] Handsome and well-built, with curly, longish hair. There are calluses on his hands from years of practice with sword and shield and his body bears several scars from old fights. There are long, thin white scars on his arms from fighting through the forest of thorns to get to Aurora's castle. He's of about average height but has the presence and bearing to seem taller than he is.
[Attire:] Typically, he's in tall, dark leather boots, dark pants, and a tunic over a black undershirt. His clothes are made of fine material, as befitting royalty, but lacking most of the embroidery and other accouterments one usually sees. See this for a good example. He does not, however, often wear a cape (just gets snagged on things).
[Strengths:] Phillip is, in many ways...a stereotypical fairy tale prince. Noble, true, strong, handsome, courageous, determined. He actually does embody much of this. He is also well practiced in the art of the sword and an accomplished horseman (which he would be even without his Talent).
[Weaknesses:] He is noble (literally and metaphorically), yes, but he's also well aware of this quality and that awareness often leads him to the thought that he is better equipped to make decisions for those around him whether they agree or not. He is determined, but he's also stubborn and his determination can become a kind of single mindedness, leading him to think perhaps the ends can justify the means. That will greatly manifest itself in his attempts to return home. He can also be rash, deciding on a course of action and pursuing it before thinking through all of the implications.
[Quirks:] He's never, even as a child, been able to sleep past dawn. He cannot whistle.
[Secrets:] He's not an open book, but he hasn't really gone out of his way to hide anything, either. He's a prince from a court singularly devoid of intrigue, what use has he for secrets?
[Detailed Personality:] Phillip was raised as a prince ought to be, not only to follow in his father's footsteps, but to be gentlemanly, gracious, noble, courageous, and charming all along the way. The lessons stuck. His people love him and he was quite content with his lot in life (even if he was willing to give it all up for a peasant girl he met in the forest. Love does conquer all, or so they say).
Upon arriving in the village, what he wants more than anything is to leave it and return to his home. He won't settle in well because here? He's not beloved by all, he is not the prince, and he doesn't do well with change that isn't his own idea.
While he can be gracious and all...he isn't always sincere. After all, he may be a fairy tale prince but that doesn't make him a saint! He might appear to be interested in someone's story...but that might just mean he's simply very good at making all the right noises at the right moments. He might listen to the story, but that doesn't mean he actually cares about this person (not when his own problems are so much greater!). It isn't that he's self-absorbed, per se, he just has a tendency to forget that the individual plights of people he barely knows can be as important as his own.
If you're his friend? Well, that's a different matter entirely. Those people Phillip cares for are on a rather particular mental list, the one that says, "would do anything for, even if it means risking death." But the list is rather short and those on it could be counted with the fingers on one hand and a couple left over.
Many years ago, a long-awaited princess named Aurora was born in the kingdom neighboring his. This is not her story. And yet, Phillip's fate was to be intertwined with hers for when she was still a babe and he but a small boy, the two were betrothed to be married. Effectively, this did nothing all to change Phillip's life as a prince until sixteen years later when he returned to the neighboring kingdom to meet his bride. Presumably, they would have actually met before that save for one, small detail.
One of the fairies had not been invited to the christening of baby Aurora and, in a fit of pique, she laid a curse on the child that on her sixteenth birthday she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. Luckily, one of the other fairies present was able to the weaken the curse so that young Aurora would merely sleep until true love's kiss awoke her. Even with that, her parents were determined to do what they could to avoid the curse. Her father ordered all the spinning wheels in the kingdom to be burned and Aurora was given over into the care of three good fairies and given a new name as she lived like a peasant in the forest.
Because of this, you see, Phillip never knew his intended. Which became awkward when he met a beautiful peasant girl in the forest and fell in love with her. She was equally as enraptured with him and they made plans to meet again at her home later that night so they could tell her "family". Phillip raced back to his father to inform him the wedding with his betrothed was off because of course he was going to marry the woman he loved. Little did he know that meanwhile, his beloved was being informed that she was the princess Aurora and as such, could hardly marry some man she'd met in the forest and was expected even that night to return to her home in the castle.
By the time Phillip made it to the cottage in the woods, the cottage was deserted, save for the dark fairy who had cursed Aurora sixteen years before. Knowing that Phillip was her true love, the fairy could hardly leave him free to break the curse so easily. So she had her minions capture him and drag him away to her dungeon. There, it was she who informed him that his betrothed and his beloved were one and the same and that she slept without end in the castle. She informs him she will hold him captive for but a century, which is but a day to a steadfast heart. Then, old and decrepit, she will release him to his true love who, in her enchanted sleep, will not have aged a day. And prove, of course, that true love conquers all!
Indeed, it is a diabolical plan but once again, luck is on Phillip's side in the form of Aurora's three fairy guardians who rescue him from his chains. Freed, he is able to battle his way past the obstacles to the castle only to meet the dark fairy in dragon-form. This obstacle too he battles and manages to destroy her. After this Phillip climbs to the castle's top-most tower where his beloved awaits and whom he does indeed awaken with true love's first kiss.
But the story doesn't end there! For before the two can be married, Phillip hears a strange song while riding in the forest. He follows the tune until he comes to a path where the Piper awaits. He is given the choice of going to the Village or to Handel's Tears and home does not seem to be a part of either though Phillip's first response is to ride back through the forest as if he could return home. And yet, he always only seems to find that crossroads again and, finally weary, he finds himself in the Village and makes his home in the Castle.
For all that, he is still determined to return to his bride. And despite the aid he was given by the good fairies, it should be mentioned he has little care for the things of magic. Magic, he says, never seems to particularly end well. Even when one has good intentions.
RP Samples
[RP Sample:] Poor prince Phillip was looking rather worse for wear. A bit dirty, a bit sweaty, a lot bedraggled. Definitely not princely. He'd been riding for hours since he'd crossed the Piper, trying to find the way home. It shouldn't have been that far, it hadn't been that far when he'd followed the Piper's song.
Magic, again, making things more complicated than they ought to be!
And now he found himself in some godforsaken village filled with all manner of strangers. At least the place had a castle, though there was apparently not a king to appeal to. No, this castle belonged to the Piper!
And now, Phillip was fairly certain he wouldn't even be in here except that the prospect of sleeping outside was hardly appealing. Be that as it may, he found himself wandering the halls of the castle, not quite fitting in amongst the cheerful folks who made their home there. Not when he was dirty and cranky and just about desperate enough to simply make his bed out in the stable with his horse!
If only he could find his way back to the stables first.
[How Did you find us?] EJ
[Name:] Ana
The Basics
[Name:] Prince Phillip
[Journal username:]
[Age:] 23
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] Yes
[Story the character is from:] Sleeping Beauty
[Their One Supreme Talent:] Can talk to horses. Which is convenient, since his horse came with him to the Village.
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:] Good. (Though could end up doing "bad" things with good intentions. Possibly this puts him in the "undecided" category.)
[Where do they live:] The Castle
[PB:] Kyle Schmid
[Description:] Handsome and well-built, with curly, longish hair. There are calluses on his hands from years of practice with sword and shield and his body bears several scars from old fights. There are long, thin white scars on his arms from fighting through the forest of thorns to get to Aurora's castle. He's of about average height but has the presence and bearing to seem taller than he is.
[Attire:] Typically, he's in tall, dark leather boots, dark pants, and a tunic over a black undershirt. His clothes are made of fine material, as befitting royalty, but lacking most of the embroidery and other accouterments one usually sees. See this for a good example. He does not, however, often wear a cape (just gets snagged on things).
[Strengths:] Phillip is, in many ways...a stereotypical fairy tale prince. Noble, true, strong, handsome, courageous, determined. He actually does embody much of this. He is also well practiced in the art of the sword and an accomplished horseman (which he would be even without his Talent).
[Weaknesses:] He is noble (literally and metaphorically), yes, but he's also well aware of this quality and that awareness often leads him to the thought that he is better equipped to make decisions for those around him whether they agree or not. He is determined, but he's also stubborn and his determination can become a kind of single mindedness, leading him to think perhaps the ends can justify the means. That will greatly manifest itself in his attempts to return home. He can also be rash, deciding on a course of action and pursuing it before thinking through all of the implications.
[Quirks:] He's never, even as a child, been able to sleep past dawn. He cannot whistle.
[Secrets:] He's not an open book, but he hasn't really gone out of his way to hide anything, either. He's a prince from a court singularly devoid of intrigue, what use has he for secrets?
[Detailed Personality:] Phillip was raised as a prince ought to be, not only to follow in his father's footsteps, but to be gentlemanly, gracious, noble, courageous, and charming all along the way. The lessons stuck. His people love him and he was quite content with his lot in life (even if he was willing to give it all up for a peasant girl he met in the forest. Love does conquer all, or so they say).
Upon arriving in the village, what he wants more than anything is to leave it and return to his home. He won't settle in well because here? He's not beloved by all, he is not the prince, and he doesn't do well with change that isn't his own idea.
While he can be gracious and all...he isn't always sincere. After all, he may be a fairy tale prince but that doesn't make him a saint! He might appear to be interested in someone's story...but that might just mean he's simply very good at making all the right noises at the right moments. He might listen to the story, but that doesn't mean he actually cares about this person (not when his own problems are so much greater!). It isn't that he's self-absorbed, per se, he just has a tendency to forget that the individual plights of people he barely knows can be as important as his own.
If you're his friend? Well, that's a different matter entirely. Those people Phillip cares for are on a rather particular mental list, the one that says, "would do anything for, even if it means risking death." But the list is rather short and those on it could be counted with the fingers on one hand and a couple left over.
Many years ago, a long-awaited princess named Aurora was born in the kingdom neighboring his. This is not her story. And yet, Phillip's fate was to be intertwined with hers for when she was still a babe and he but a small boy, the two were betrothed to be married. Effectively, this did nothing all to change Phillip's life as a prince until sixteen years later when he returned to the neighboring kingdom to meet his bride. Presumably, they would have actually met before that save for one, small detail.
One of the fairies had not been invited to the christening of baby Aurora and, in a fit of pique, she laid a curse on the child that on her sixteenth birthday she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. Luckily, one of the other fairies present was able to the weaken the curse so that young Aurora would merely sleep until true love's kiss awoke her. Even with that, her parents were determined to do what they could to avoid the curse. Her father ordered all the spinning wheels in the kingdom to be burned and Aurora was given over into the care of three good fairies and given a new name as she lived like a peasant in the forest.
Because of this, you see, Phillip never knew his intended. Which became awkward when he met a beautiful peasant girl in the forest and fell in love with her. She was equally as enraptured with him and they made plans to meet again at her home later that night so they could tell her "family". Phillip raced back to his father to inform him the wedding with his betrothed was off because of course he was going to marry the woman he loved. Little did he know that meanwhile, his beloved was being informed that she was the princess Aurora and as such, could hardly marry some man she'd met in the forest and was expected even that night to return to her home in the castle.
By the time Phillip made it to the cottage in the woods, the cottage was deserted, save for the dark fairy who had cursed Aurora sixteen years before. Knowing that Phillip was her true love, the fairy could hardly leave him free to break the curse so easily. So she had her minions capture him and drag him away to her dungeon. There, it was she who informed him that his betrothed and his beloved were one and the same and that she slept without end in the castle. She informs him she will hold him captive for but a century, which is but a day to a steadfast heart. Then, old and decrepit, she will release him to his true love who, in her enchanted sleep, will not have aged a day. And prove, of course, that true love conquers all!
Indeed, it is a diabolical plan but once again, luck is on Phillip's side in the form of Aurora's three fairy guardians who rescue him from his chains. Freed, he is able to battle his way past the obstacles to the castle only to meet the dark fairy in dragon-form. This obstacle too he battles and manages to destroy her. After this Phillip climbs to the castle's top-most tower where his beloved awaits and whom he does indeed awaken with true love's first kiss.
But the story doesn't end there! For before the two can be married, Phillip hears a strange song while riding in the forest. He follows the tune until he comes to a path where the Piper awaits. He is given the choice of going to the Village or to Handel's Tears and home does not seem to be a part of either though Phillip's first response is to ride back through the forest as if he could return home. And yet, he always only seems to find that crossroads again and, finally weary, he finds himself in the Village and makes his home in the Castle.
For all that, he is still determined to return to his bride. And despite the aid he was given by the good fairies, it should be mentioned he has little care for the things of magic. Magic, he says, never seems to particularly end well. Even when one has good intentions.
RP Samples
[RP Sample:] Poor prince Phillip was looking rather worse for wear. A bit dirty, a bit sweaty, a lot bedraggled. Definitely not princely. He'd been riding for hours since he'd crossed the Piper, trying to find the way home. It shouldn't have been that far, it hadn't been that far when he'd followed the Piper's song.
Magic, again, making things more complicated than they ought to be!
And now he found himself in some godforsaken village filled with all manner of strangers. At least the place had a castle, though there was apparently not a king to appeal to. No, this castle belonged to the Piper!
And now, Phillip was fairly certain he wouldn't even be in here except that the prospect of sleeping outside was hardly appealing. Be that as it may, he found himself wandering the halls of the castle, not quite fitting in amongst the cheerful folks who made their home there. Not when he was dirty and cranky and just about desperate enough to simply make his bed out in the stable with his horse!
If only he could find his way back to the stables first.
[How Did you find us?] EJ