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Moira Hrimharisdottir

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Flashback: Age 5 [24 Jul 2009|04:33pm]
Moira and Danielle had thought of everything, they were pretty sure. They had made sure Vincent knew the boundaries of how far they were allowed to go and what they were and were not allowed to do. They'd helped tie the edges of his clothes that would too easily catch on things or drag and make noise. And now, they crept beside him in half-form. With the three of them, that grouse didn't stand a chance. Not that it would've gotten away from just the two of them, of course.
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Flashback: Age 4: The Forest [18 Jun 2009|12:35am]
The Wolves of the Enchanted Forest were an autonomous principality. Theirs was not particularly easy territory to wander into. But someone new had. Moira and Danielle could smell him. It wasn't a troll-y sort of smell, so they weren't honorbound to run to Mummy and Da -- who of course weren't far -- right away. And so the two little pups, one redfurred, one silver, ran towards the scent instead.
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