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Braddock LeBeau ([info]princeofthieves) wrote,
@ 2010-07-19 21:52:00

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Little Prince Lost (Test Scene)
Only now did he understand what Pierre was trying to say about that damn Tiki statue in the back yard. The flash of the energy is visible from inside the house, as Braddock his ground and rolls back to his feet, awaiting some sort of trouble to begin.

Braddock LeBeau stands up and dusts himself off, hoping he hadn't ruined his best coat. Looking around, he can see the Xavier Mansion before him, but that statue was nowhere in sight. Weird, but really of no consequence. He's got to deliver the message from the Red Queen, also known as 'Mom', and get back home before dinner. She and Dad have agreed not to start arguing until desert, and he intends to hold them to it.

Slowly, he starts walking toward the first person he can see, though in the dark, he doesn't see a whole lot.

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2010-07-21 10:45 pm UTC (link)
"Lies," Rose said, though the corners of her mouth were twitching. "Lies and fabrications."

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2010-07-22 01:29 am UTC (link)
"And there's that pretty smile." Braddock says. "We're gonna have to work on gettin' that out of you more, Miss Logan. Be prepared to be charmed senseless."

Braddock smiles, the looks around.

"Okay, so where do we eat? I didn't get a chance before Mom sent me on this mission."

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2010-07-22 02:11 am UTC (link)
She rolled her eyes. "First things first, we're taking you to the higher-ups. Then food."

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