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Braddock LeBeau

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Application [19 Jul 2010|07:51pm]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name:  Braddock  James LeBeau
Character LJ (if applicable): princeofthieves
Physical description (face, build, weight):  Braddock is 6’1, with dark brown hair and dark eyes that glow violet when his mutant ability is in use. He is slim and in excellent physical shape, and usually wears a day’s worth of stubble.

Age: 22
Birthday:  August 28
PB: (If using one.)  David Usher
Codename: Wildcard

Abilities:  Braddock is a skilled martial artist, capable of engaging two opponents at one time with no difficulty. He has received limited training in the use of a katana, and a bo staff by his father and mother, and can use both with some degree of skill, though he is not a master by any means. His mother and father, respectively, have also schooled Brad in Eastern Philosophy, as well as the arts of stealth, subterfuge, and running cons.


Psychic Cards: Braddock’s mutant ability allows him to manifest psionic energy as “psychic knives” that he can use for long range combat.  These knives physically disable or kill a person as Brad chooses. The light violet knives stun and the dark violet knives kill.

The knives themselves take the shape of playing cards, influenced heavily by his father and many long days of playing poker until he could safely bluff his parents. These projectiles could probably take any shape Brad wishes, but he prefers the cards. He can also physically manifest a psychic knife, like his mother, from his hand, but this is harder for him to do and requires great concentration.

Shadowstep: Finally, he can teleport through shadows of distances no greater than fifty feet. He must enter a shadow and exit from a shadow, but he cannot use his own for either. He uses this in order to get the drop on his opponent, usually stepping into a shadow, and moving in behind them, sometimes from their own shadow.


Braddock can also speak Creole French, Japanese, and Russian.

Weaknesses and flaws:   Psychic Cards/Psychic Blade: Manifesting a psychic blade on his hand leaves his fatigued afterward and he cannot use this ability or his projectiles until he’s rested for eight hours.

Character location/Home: Wandering/Visits the X-Men from time to time
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent
Relatives (living/dead?): Betsy Braddock (Mother, living), Remy LeBeau(Father, living), Brian Braddock (Maternal Uncle), Jamie Braddock (Maternal Uncle),   Quinn Braddock (Cousin), Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington  (Maternal Half-Sister), Sophie LeBeau (Paternal Half-Sister)

Backstory: In an alternate reality,  Braddock James LeBeau is the son of the King of Thieves, Remy LeBeau and the Red Queen of Assassins, Betsy Braddock. Both were allied with the X-Men at an earlier point in their lives, but found that Xavier’s Dream did not mesh with their view of the world. Gambit still worked with the X-Men from time to time, enlisting their aid in his bid to take over the Thieves Guild in New Orleans. The peace was kept for some time until the Hand, under the Red Queen, subsumed the Assassins’ Guild and made incursions into his territory. The war was bloody and there casualties on both sides, but no clear winner.  Remy and Betsy engaged each other on the field of battle, but just before the two managed to kill each other, the immortal mutant Candra appeared, indicating that the two were required to work together to keep both guilds from becoming extinct and thereby ending the ritual of the Tithe.

Candra further informed them that they would need to produce an heir that would unite both guilds or step down. Remy and Betsy were vehemently opposed to this idea, but neither was willing to cede any more power or territory to the other than necessary.  Over time, a grudging respect developed between the pair, which eventually led to a series of trysts, in which Braddock was conceived. Remy and Betsy refuse to acknowledge that they feel more than mutual professional respect for each other, and both worked hard to teach Brad the first rule of life: survive.  Everything else falls into place after that.

Brad also got to know several of the children from Xavier’s, namely Rose Logan and Anastasia Summers. He considers Rose a younger sister who understands the concept of survival, but he enjoys flirting with and teasing Anastasia and driving her into fits of embarrassment or shocked silence.


Recently, Brad was sneaking around the grounds of the school, looking for Rose or Ana to deliver a message to their parents (he’d been away in Madripoor for several months when they both vanished) and fell through the barrier between realities, ending up at the X-Mansion in the present day.


How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:  Braddock has just turned up at Xavier’s and has no clue what is going on.   

What are you planning to do with this character? Have him work both sides of the law, employing his personal belief system, to remove as many evil mutants from the world as possible. Evil, however, means something different to him than most.

Test scene: Coming soon.

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Little Prince Lost (Test Scene) [19 Jul 2010|09:52pm]
Only now did he understand what Pierre was trying to say about that damn Tiki statue in the back yard. The flash of the energy is visible from inside the house, as Braddock his ground and rolls back to his feet, awaiting some sort of trouble to begin.

Braddock LeBeau stands up and dusts himself off, hoping he hadn't ruined his best coat. Looking around, he can see the Xavier Mansion before him, but that statue was nowhere in sight. Weird, but really of no consequence. He's got to deliver the message from the Red Queen, also known as 'Mom', and get back home before dinner. She and Dad have agreed not to start arguing until desert, and he intends to hold them to it.

Slowly, he starts walking toward the first person he can see, though in the dark, he doesn't see a whole lot.
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