[26 Jan 2008|05:47pm] |
A --- P O S T - D E A T H L Y --- H A L L O W S --- C A N O N --- G A M E B E G I N N I N G --- F E B R U A R Y --- 1 S T
Full Plot | Rules | F.A.Q. | Character List | Application
It is the year 2000, just two years after the final battle at Hogwarts. The wizarding world is still rebuilding from the fall of Lord Voldemort's reign, and although many believed they would finally have peace at last, it is not to be. Death Eaters have been able to lie, cheat, and bribe their way out of being jailed in Azkaban - and some select few have reorganized in secret to continue the Dark Lord's goal. They, however, did not agree with Lord Voldemort's ways; accepting anyone less than a pureblood was hypocrisy against their cause. Not wanting their work to be confused with Voldemort's old followers, they have given themselves a new name, in honour of the Dark Lord's original cause - the Walpurgis Knights. The Knights have worked their way into the Ministry of Magic, slowly taking over until finally controlling the Minister of Magic himself from behind the scenes, manipulating him to their will.
But not all was going according to their plans. Just as mysteriously as magical powers appeared in this world, so too was it beginning to vanish. Wandless magic was the first to go, and is now completely unheard of. Soon after, powerful spells began failing, but no one had thought anything of it at the beginning - powerful spells were often complicated, and therefor did not always succeed. It was after this that more severe cases began to be noticed - although more and more cases were recorded beforehand, since March of 1999, there have been no children born with magical powers, regardless of blood status. It has been discovered, however, that spells and items created with ancient magic seem to have preserved themselves, and now the race has begun to obtain these artifacts to either save the wizarding world... or destroy it.
M O S T --- W A N T E D --- C H A R A C T E R S
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