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[06 Jan 2008|10:31pm]

I was ~allison on greatestjournal. I am ~foxriver on livejournal. This will be my main journal from now on! Hello, I am Allison, I am 17 and I am going to college next year. I am going to be studying English and history, focuses on creative writing and WWII respectively. I work for the SPCA. I am an equestrian. I don't drink soda, eat candy or snack food, film and Michel Gondry are my favorite things in the world, Doctor House is brilliant, and I love reading. This is the most exciting point in my life, and if you want to read, please. Feel free to add me.

I stole the following from the "about me" section on my facebook. Just so you know.

My vanity is outrageous so I will try to keep this simple.

I am, in every sense of the word, a Libertarian. Human beings have the right to believe, practice, and live in exactly the manner they wish as long as they are not harming other humans or blocking the ability of others to exercise those rights. Just because I am an Atheist doesn't mean I don't respect your absolute and final right to worship whatever idol you see fit, just as it means you have no right to tell me that I am wrong for choosing to believe what I believe. That applies to every sphere. I may fight with you, demand that you look at my point of view, but I will never, in seriousness, ask that you let go of your philosophies. I am not completely free of discrimination – I am guilty of turning my nose up at all sorts of worlds, but the older I get, the less disgusted and more fascinated and interested I am in the planet and the people who live here.

Politically, I am a hybrid of extremes – government hands in any sort of business, whether it is socially or economically, in my view, should be extremely limited. What the Republicans were supposed to stand for, and what they do not stand for in the social world with their catering to the Christian majority, is a world with minimum interference, lacking moral dictation.

I believe, without doubt, in very little. I am a cynic turned twisted optimist, I am obsessed with words and culture and the origin of idioms and film and what everybody has to say. I am perpetually bored of my music, always looking for new and better; I think the power of a crowd is overwhelming, plays always bring me to tears, especially when I sit in the front row. The four things I am looking forward to in 2008 are: graduation, going to Scotland, going to college, and voting.

Talk to me.

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