Eleanor "Ellie" Rasputin's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Eleanor "Ellie" Rasputin

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[25 Jan 2010|02:28pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: fireflydreams01@yahoo.com
AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical or hearts0fwinter
Character Name: Eleanor "Ellie" Rasputin
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]poof
Physical description (face, build, weight): Small for her age, with long brown hair and blue eyes. Likes to experiment with fashion.
Age: 13
Birthday: December 12th
PB: Abigail Breslin
Abilities: Ellie possesses the mutant ability to teleport, or as she calls it "poofing".
Weaknesses and flaws: Having recently discovered her powers, Ellie does not have precise control over her powers. Ellie also needs to see where she's going, or else she could land stuck between a wall. That being said, long distances are also a problem. She has no difficulty teleporting from one end of the hallway to another, but from one wing of the school to another-no can do. As of now, Ellie can only teleport herself, and not other organic lifeforms.
Character location/Home: Xavier's School for Gifted Children
Alignment (villain, hero etc):
Relatives (living/dead?): Katherine "Kitty" Pryde/Shadowcat (mother), Piotr Rasputin/Colossus (father), two older siblings, Illyana Rasputin/Magik (aunt), Mikhail Rasputin (uncle)
Backstory: Ellie is the youngest of Peter Rasuptin and Kitty Pryde's three children. Growing up, Ellie watched her parents use their powers, and began to countdown the days to when her own powers would manifest. As her two older siblings were both "early" bloomers, and Ellie was still "normal" by the time she turned 12, she began to worry that her powers would never develop. On the day of her thirteenth birthday, Ellie's powers manifested when ran after her father down the hall at her family home and found herself standing by his side. Recently, her parents have enrolled her in Xavier's for so she can further her control and development of her powers.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Coming to Xaviers.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Clearly, Ellie isn't going to be joining the X-Men juuust yet (one being the fact that she's way too young, and the other being that Piotr would bash the face in of anyone who put his little girl in harm's way). For right now, she's going to be focusing on developing and learning to control her powers. And trying not to get into too much trouble.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Other than learning to control/develop her powers, I'd like to see her grow up as a person a little.

Sample post:
Ellie was bouncing up and down for joy. Today was the day. The day she'd been counting down to since she was about, oh five years old.

She'd been to Xaviers a handful of times before, with her parents, and too visit her older siblings during Christmas. But today was different. Today she was going to Xaviers and she wasn't leaving with Mom and Dad at the end of the day.

Yeah, she wasn't going to be an X-Men juuust yet, but still....to be there and watch as they left to go on some super cool mission!

"Ellie!" Kitty's voice rang through the hallway, "Time to go sweetie!"

Grabbing her suitcase, Ellie ran out of her room, teleporting to the foot of the stairs where her parents stood, waiting for her.

"Let's go!" she beamed, ignoring her father's eyeroll, "I can't wait to get there!"
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