The Basics |
full name: Sturgis Allard Podmore. nickname(s): Sturge, Sturgy, Pod, Stu, Blondie, Block-head (if you want to piss him off).
age: Nineteen. birth date 15th May 1960. birthplace: Chelmsford, Essex.
current location: London. residence: One bedroom flat. Pretty cheap one too. occupation: Hitwizard. Department of MLE. Ministry.
affiliation: Order of the Phoenix. |
Magical Information |
blood status: Half-blood. classification: Wizard.
wand: Chestnut. 13 1/4". wand core: Unicorn tail hair. wand hand: Left.
patronus: Steed. boggart: His little sisters tortured and maimed. |
Education |
school: Hogwarts. house: Hufflepuff (1978). extracurriculars: Quidditch - Keeper.
best subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts. worst subject: Potions. OWL classes: Charms, DADA, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Muggle Studies, Divination. NEWT classes: Charms, DADA, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Divination.
favorite professor: Flitwick. least favorite professor: Slughorn. |
Appearance |
gender: Male. nationality: English.
height: 6'. weight: 192 lbs. build: Athletic. Muscular. eyes: Gray. hair: Honey blonde, short, "straw"-like. skin: White.
distinguishing marks: Order tattoo. dress: Robes are new but never anything fancy. He keeps himself tidy enough (especially if his mum is around), but otherwise he really doesn't care as long as whatever he's wearing isn't smelly. mannerisms: Face is always blank as if thinking. |
Personality |
first impression: Friendly. Handsome. The "good boy". elaboration: In simple terms, Sturgis is the boy-next-door. He's a good-natured, outgoing, helpful, smart, and highly motivated individual. He cares deeply for his friends and is fiercely loyal to them. Innately pragmatic, he is laid-back and comfortable with being himself. Some may take his overtly selfless and helpful nature as patronizing, but others are drawn to his positive attitude. Sturgis is a very reliable young wizard and is not one to make promises that he won't keep. His seemly endless patience can make him seem stoic or emotionless, but he does become rather gruff when he's finally had enough. On his own principle, he doesn't judge another before he's met them or hold lasting grudges towards those who have wronged him. This makes him struggle with the idea of Death Eaters and holding a bias towards them. Blood purists he can excuse and forgive but extremists and threat of genocide he simply can not.
likes: Quidditch, camping, outdoors, competition, helping others, mutton, Muggle football and tennis. dislikes: Blood purists, liars, bullies, homework, wizard chess, tea, dancing. fears: Something bad happening to his mum. quirks: Sturgis has a tendency to be chivalrous to the point of being insufferable. It may win him points with some, but others just find his exuding kindness to be agitating. |
Intimate Relationships |
orientation: Heterosexual. status: Seeing Bertha Jorkins. children: None. past lovers: Glenda Chittock.
sexuality: |
Platonic Relationships |
parents: Clive Podmore and Davinia Podmore (nee Appleton). sibling(s): Greta (sister) and Tegan (sister). relatives: Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore (ancestor). pet(s): Barn owl (Mick).
best friend(s): Otto Bagman, Edgar Bones, Marlene McKinnon. friends: Chloe Abbott, Glenda Chittock, Benjy Fenwick, Jen Gibbon, Galvin Gudgeon, Timothy Greengrass, Bertha Jorkins, Frank Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Lucille Martin, Dorcas Meadows, Corey O'Connor, James Potter, Selphie Smethywyck, Ryan Turpin, and Giada Vance. acquaintances: Ludo Bagman, Alana Bode, Graciela Cervantes, Caradoc Dearborn, Aberforth Dumbledore, Fiona Finnegan, Marissa MacFusty, Brianna O'Hara, Peter Pettigrew, Gideon Prewett, and Emmeline Vance.
ambiguous: Sirius Black, Alastor Moody, Will Jugson, Mundungus Fletcher, Rabastan Lestrange. disliked: Emmet Belby, Dolores Umbridge, Rita Skeeter, Evan Rosier. enemies: None. Yet. |
Astrology |
sign: Taurus. traits: Taurus, the nature-loving bull, is a natural sign for Hufflepuffs to be born under. These wizards tend to specialize in herbs and nature spells, also in the husbandry and preservation of magical beasts. Their gentle good natures, open friendliness, hard work, patience, and politeness endear them to most everyone they meet. However, these Hufflepuff Taureans must be careful not to overwork themselves, lest they suffer breakdowns in health. (It has been noticed that Hufflepuffs born under the sign of Taurus swing wildly between overwork and indolence, the lazy periods being used to recharge their energy; they seem to have a problem pacing themselves.) They like their magical workrooms neat and tidy, and prefer peaceful occupations to dangerous or aggressive ones; most Hufflepuffs born under this sign wind up working as hedge witches, village herbalists, and midwives. |
History |
Sturgis was born to seemingly "normal" middle class parents that ran a small inn in the historic village of Chelmsford in Essex. His mother Davinia had absolutely no idea that the magic world existed until her son began displaying magic as an infant. His father Clive had a lot of explaining to do and it put a strain on the family for nearly three years. Davinia still has her reservations about the existence of magic, but she had finally had enough time to forgive her husband for keeping such an integral part of his past from her. At the very least she now understood why her in-laws were inexplicably odd. Since Clive had resigned himself to effectively give up magic, Sturgis spent his childhood performing daily tasks the Muggle-way. He made friends with a few Muggle children, but he continually pestered his father about wizard life and magic. Receiving a Hogwarts letter is one of the fondest memories that Sturgis has. When he arrived at the school, Sturgis made many new friends quickly but he also had his first encounters with blood purists and their discrimination which he found to be disconcerting. Sturgis took to his magic classes quite well with his best subjects being DADA and Potions though his skill in Charms was not far behind. Hogwarts is where Sturgis was first introduced to broomsticks and Quidditch. After years of playing Muggle sports, the game of Quidditch came easy and he found his niche as a Keeper. Sturgis became an avid fanatic of the wizard sport and is a die-hard Puddlemere United fan. Over the last few years, the existence of a group calling themselves the "Death Eaters" has began moving from rumors to harsh reality. This has driven Sturgis's desire for a career in wizard law enforcement as an Auror or Hitwizard. |
ooc Information |
played by: Jérémie Renier. mun: Ally. ( kickawesome) disclaimer: I am not Jérémie Renier, Strugis Podmore, or JK Rowling. The HP 'verse and Sturgis Podmore are sole property of JK Rowling. This incarnation of Sturgis is of my own creation. Please, do not steal him. Thank you! |