[Private] I can't believe I missed her birthday. Well, I didn't actually know it was her birthday, but I should have. I would have known if I'd actually taken the time to read the Ministry newsletter, but it's in pile with everything else I've been neglecting at work and
Bollocks. Umbridge is going to have my bloody head. I'm getting so behind on my cases, but it's not something I can really help. The atmosphere around Callaghan isn't getting any better and Ainsworth is a complete whirlwind. He also has absolutely no idea that there are dark wizards who want to control him and are planning to attack him soon. Of course he would think I'm completely mad if I ever told him that, so.
I can't believe I missed her birthday. And now she's sick with something that the doctors can't even diagnose and I should have been there, I should have been the one to take her to see a doctor, and Gods I am relieved that someone did take her. But I can't even see her now since I'm not family. And I don't know. Maybe it's better that I'm cut off from her right now. It's not like I could tell her what I've really been up to and my presence is only going to put her in danger. But bloody hell. No one is getting any better.
Merlin. I hope I can keep my focus tonight.[/Private]
[James] Big, big problem. How quickly can you make it to London? [/James]
[Lily] I hate to ask so abruptly since I'm about to steal your husband for a while but but can I ask a favor of you? [/Lily]
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