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User:pocahontas (11461)
Send pocahontas a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

hello world
Schools:None listed
People44:acardiac, amok, amoureux, ashly, aspire, avid, bebe, beliefs, bitten, bubblegum, canary, compassion, country, coupe, cranium, curiosity, daynalove, flirty, forgive, frontpunch, heartbeats, highfidelity, iamsunshineee, imaginate, infatuate, kelmo, midnight, octopus, opera, party, ricia, roads, rumors, scilence, shimmers, shoreline, smellofautumn, smoothie, snapple, sparks, suggestive, toybox, uggs, whiskey
Communities5:conquered, equations, harsh, recap, uploads
Mutual Friends:42: acardiac, amok, amoureux, ashly, aspire, avid, beliefs, bitten, bubblegum, canary, compassion, country, coupe, cranium, curiosity, daynalove, flirty, forgive, frontpunch, heartbeats, highfidelity, iamsunshineee, imaginate, infatuate, kelmo, midnight, octopus, party, ricia, roads, rumors, scilence, shimmers, shoreline, smellofautumn, smoothie, snapple, sparks, suggestive, toybox, uggs, whiskey
Also Friend of:2: blooms, caked
Member of:23: addme, bitchbook, bluesky, cocktail_hour, conquered, desirables, discussit, donut, fashionesque, flamecup, harsh, honorcup, hotfashion, knockouts, nerds, post_secret, promote, ratemeanon, recap, sims, sq, thrashground, uploads
Account type:Early Adopter

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