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Biography: Kylie Mann

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Kylie Mann

Born in 1980. Kylie is sex addict with trouble connecting to people beyond the physical level. She is Patient Number 1082 at the PMHF. Not a great deal is known about Kylie's past as part of her patient/doctor confidentiality; she won't tell anything otherwise. She is extremely close with her sister Elle. She hits on every other patient (typically the guys, but she'll bug the girls now and again as well). She has a particular fascination with Nicholas. She started a physical affair with Jack Swann, and began connecting to him on a deeper level than she thought possible.

Kylie was released from the PMHF once she admited that she was in fact once a transgender boy (named Kyle) who had surgery to become a girl. She has made tremendous strides since her release.

She and Jack took it easy for awhile so that they could both deal with her physical and emotional reality. They have begun to be more physical with each other and Kylie is working up the courage to ask Jack to move in with her.
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