Pixie's Journal

My Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions

April 26th, 2008

My Going Away Speech @ 01:37 pm

Current Mood: FUCK YOU

Well as my title explains I'm leaving Scribbld. I can't take it here anymore. Even when I'm gone from this site for weeks at a time I still end up being flamed for something that happened over 1 fucking month ago! [info]flamecup has no regard for anything no wonder everyone hates this site it's because of fucking [info]flamecup ! If they would just stop the fucking drama and let it drop then people wouldn't be so bitchy about it. I've come to find that the people who own and run [info]flamecup ARE as cold and heartless and they come off to be and that makes them look horrible.

Now it's been a month since the DIAF thing well I got over it a week after it happened but then I got (what I felt) threatened and so it started up again. During that time I didn't have a laptop and only rarely checked Scribbld for Friend's updates and then [info]fallenscarlet tried to blame me for some drama bull shit that she claimed I started when I wasn't even on the website. But what pissed me the fuck off about the DIAF thing was that it hit close to home because my cousin, whom I'm extremely close to, her dad had a CAR BLOW UP IN HIS FACE CATCHING HIM ON FIRE! Did they ask why it bothered me so much? No they ragged on me like I was the only meat in the lion's den and they get easily pissed off when you stand up for ourself. Apparently no one else had the balls to do that and when I did it sent them into a feeding frenzy and sent them off their psycho meds because OMFG SOME ONE HAS THE BALLS TO STAND UP TO US!!!!!!!!!!!

They are mostly the reason of why I'm leaving if they would stop being so fucking sick in the head things wouldn't be so bad. I think that they love getting bitched out by people and that is what makes them fucked up. They do it on purpose and like one person told me "It's a way for people to vent their anger." Ok that maybe be true but that's what personal private RANT journals are for! You don't vent your anger towards someone by flaming them and I can bet that the people who did mine really don't have a fucking clue as to who I am. If standing up for myself makes me a drama starting whore bitch then so be it I'm not going to let a bunch of fucking TWEENS be bitches to me.

And I'm making this entry public. Yep you read right. PUBLIC. That way those fuckers can reply to me personally instead running like a coward and making flames. To [info]flamecup if you motherfucking fuckers would fucking ask the person who is getting fucking flamed if their flame has a fucking personal connection to them they wouldn't get so fucking pissed off at you. GROW THE FUCK UP YOU MOTHERFUCKING 5 YEAR OLDS!!!! I can bet that in a few months people will be fucking bitching about fucking cookies!

I'm so tired of coming on here and seeing people [info]bitchbook each other for stupid shit and I'm tired of seeing the same old flames. You fuckers at [info]flamecup might see it as "running" but I'm not I'm graciously walking away from your bullying. You don't realize how words can affect a person...do you care? NO. Do you ask why? NO. All you fuckers care about is getting off to who will stand up for themselves when they get flamed for stupid shit. You are the absolutely most heartless fuckers I've met on the internet thus far and I hope to Anubis that someone will do to what you have done to others whether you knew you were consciously doing it or not. Karma IS a bitch and she WILL kick your ass from here to Timbuktu. Maybe just maybe when you are getting your asses handed to you by Karma you will realize how hateful and how fucking awful you are to other people.

And if after I leave I get flamed for this it just goes to show how low of a level you are stooping to -shakes head- flaming someone for their opinion how pathetic. Why do you think that any site that I'm on I have no visible pictures of myself? Don't need fuckers like you getting a hold of them and pointing out my flaws which I already point out myself. i wish for once that you fuckers would stop thinking of yourselves and think of other people for once. It's a little concept called COM-PASS-ION now say it with me COMPASSION. There! Now that wasn't so hard was it? Oh you say you are choking on your own vomit from trying to say it? Well looks like you are shit out of luck. Have a nice afterlife you fucking bitches.

Ok I think I've said my peace...wait not yet.


Ok NOW I've said my peace. If you want to find me I'll be on CrazyLife, Insane Journal, Live Journal, Lost Journal, or Greatest Journal. If you want my username please e-mail me. My e-mail should be in my FO post it's a yahoo mail so you can't miss it. And no [info]flamecup you WON'T be able to follow me to any of those places because I'm not stupid enough to use the SAME username for every site.

To the friends I made on here you guys are so awesome and I love you guys so much. Thanks for having my back when I stood up for myself and for when everything went to hell awhile back. I could never trade any of you for the world.

Peace, Love, and Bulletproof Marshmallows,


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Date: May 5th, 2008 11:06 pm (UTC)
Waaaa waaaa WAAA! You're such a whiney little cunt!

Pixie's Journal

My Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions