Pippa!'s Journal
Pippa!'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

> The noble mind, it traps four pieces of the heart inside
> We came in twos, and two by twos
> We felt the rain, our faces cold and pale, the colors drained
> The oceans grew until we floated on a deeper hue
> This is me. All that I am, you will see.
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[01 Mar 2008|11:19am]

Fangy!! I'm scared!
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[05 Feb 2008|11:55am]
Lacey has a cold.

I never knew cats could sneeze. It's sort of adorable.
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[30 Jan 2008|06:03pm]
Are chocolate mint or cinnamon sugar more Valentines-y sorts of cookies?

Not that I will be able to do any baking. Unless we have a Hogsmeade weekend and Madame Prescott at the Three Broomsticks lets me use her kitchen like last year. That would be lovely, because otherwise I don't know what I'm going to give everybody. Knitting isn't very Valentinesy. And I'm running out of every colour yarn except grey, which would make the most horrid unfestive mittens ever.
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[28 Jan 2008|03:37pm]

Has anybody lost a toad? Because there is a toad in my bedroom. And none of us OWN a toad. So if you've lost a toad please come retrieve it.

Hurry. It is croaking at me and I don't think they're good croaks. They're sort of 'Pippa I am going to slime your bed' croaks.
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INFORMATION [08 Jan 2008|09:08pm]
I know you might roll your eyes at this- but I'm so glad that you exist! )
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