Leslie Roberts
NAME: Leslie Roberts
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 04-11-1996
GRADE: 9th Freshman
CLASS: family is close to poverty but she acts middle
FAMILY: Josh Roberts brother, another younger sister and a younger brother. Single mother.
SEXUALITY: experimenting.
ACTIVITIES: wannabe cheerleader, she’s great at gymnastics though never had to money to do real lessons, choir, social butterfly
Leslie is bubbly and bouncy. Her laugh rings through places and has a very infectious quality. She’s just barely 5 feet tall and has a very petite form. Though Mexican, she doesn’t know anything about her culture, and at this point in her life doesn’t really care. She has long wavy dark hair that she’s always fiddling with.
PLAYED BY: josie loren
LIKES: The color pink, parties, texting, talking on the phone, being around big groups of people, kissing, hugs, petting, flirting, being a tease, make-up, hair, clothes, girly girl things, football games, dancing, music.
DISLIKES: Commitment, dirt, drama she gets dragged into, people who take life too seriously.
STRENGTHS: She gets along with just about everybody. She’s bright and bubbly and fun to be around. Most everybody likes her. She’s up for trying anything at least once.
WEAKNESSES: Doesn’t take a lot of things seriously. A little bit selfish. Her desire to be free and not pinned down could potentially hurt someone that cares about her genuinely. Pushes people away.
DETAILED PERSONALITY: Ambitious. Leslie wants everything. She wants friends, she wants stuff, she wants people, she wants boys. She wants girls. She wants to get out of Chicago. She wants to see the world. Sometimes her ambition goes beyond what she’s really capable of and she gets disappointed.
Though ambitious, she’s really caring. She focuses a lot on what other people think about her so she wants to make sure she’s nice to everybody as much as she can. She can’t get far in life with a lot of enemies after all.
She’s very responsible and mature for her age. Taking care of two kids with her older brother Josh since their mother is always in some kind of trouble can be hard, but it needs to be done. It makes her really compassionate and a great shoulder to lean on.
Fiercely loyal, Leslie would do anything for her friends and her family. She stands up for people whenever she can. Driven by her convictions, she tries to do what’s right whenever she can, and encourages others to as well, but sometimes that ambition stirs up and she has to choose between herself and others.
HISTORY: Leslie Roberts is the second oldest in the Roberts family. Her older brother Josh is her hero and one of her best friends. She knows if she ever needs anything she can go to him. Leslie knows of her dad, one of the only ones that pays child support to her mom. He tries to give her gifts every once in a while like he wants to gain some sort of favor from her, but she really doesn’t care about him. Her mom decided to give all the kids her last name so they would feel like a family in spite of the different fathers. It started with Josh whose dad left while their mom was pregnant, but when Leslie came around she decided to make them feel more like a family.
Leslie dad is Mexican, but as she doesn’t care for him she knows nothing about her culture, relatives, or background. Maybe that will change one day, but for right now she’s shamed by it. More than once she’s been called names or treated badly because of how she looks. Leslie lets it roll right off her, she can usually charm anyone regardless of what they say, but she can tell Josh gets really upset when people talk to his sister that way. What are big brothers for if not to protect people right?
Leslie hates her mother. Like actually, truly hates her. She thinks she’s a lowlife without goals or a life. It’s because of her that Leslie feels like there is no such thing as love. She doesn’t trust anyone, except Josh, and doesn’t believe a real relationship or that fairy tale happily ever after exists. She doesn’t need people to like her or love her to feel accepted, though she is desperately dependent on people’s opinions of her, she just goes with the flow. A free spirit, nothing gets under her skin and she’s perfectly happy bouncing from place to place, friend to friend, guy to guy, or girl to girl if the opportunity arose. So long as it feels good, she’s all for it.
Leslie dreams of moving to New York City someday and working in the fashion industry, or maybe a poli-sci major. She’s fascinated by law and power. But right now, she’s enjoying high school and making it through the day to day. She’s pretty popular, and she doesn’t know why. She’s not a slut, though she has fooled around with a lot of people. Mostly making out and petting. She just likes to have a good time, and so long as people treat her with respect everything’s good. And since most people like her, even the guys she dumps she stays friends with, no one really starts too much stuff about her. Everyone’s cool with the casual relationship unless you start macking on someone else’s guy, and Leslie isn’t usually one to cheat, though she could be coerced into a friends with benefits, just physical relationship. She could be coerced into a lot more really, but that’s for another time.
OOC Info
EMAIL: hermione329@gmail.com.
AIM/OTHER: disneynut4life1