♔ pendragon
November 12th, 2008 
10:17 pm - Whee Icons.
♔ pendragon : arthur/merlin : A&M
Even though this is my 'Merlin' fandom and squee journal, I realised I had nothing in it. I am therefore celebrating the fact that this show makes me giggle with fangirly glee, by posting the icons I've made for it. They're all out of order and stuff, but I cba changing them round. Also, they're not under a cut becuase the only person who has friended me, is myself.

♔ Comment
♔ Credit ([info]pendragon@scribbld OR [info]shibuyasproxy@livejournal)
♔ Enjoy?

[07] Arthur and Merlin (Episode 1x07)
[04] Merlin (Episode 1x01)
[02] Merlin (Episode 1x04)
[01] Arthur (Episode 1x04)

001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 Blank

Various tutorials were used in the making of 1-7, so good luck if you can find them.
Tutorial for 8-11 is in the making, I just need to write it out and sort our the images.
Tutorial for 12-14 can be found here.
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