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User:patricked (30320)
Name:patrick a. vance
Memories9 entries
People185:a_bit_twisted, aberfort, adavies, adorkable, advancingly, aheavenlycause, alaspooryorick, alectos, alexandrakis, alongday, amarylliss, amelias, amycus_carrow, andromynous, augello, auroared, avant, beavertails, beefstick, berkelisms, bestzeller, bigbrother, bigd, bletchleys, bornforthis, braith, bratemius, brighten, brythonichero, cantankerous, carmichael, catchmelove, catchthislove, cecilias, chasingquixotic, cheese_nammit, chesters, chickidy, clarabella, cockaigne, cockinafrock, conall, conways, coverstory, crazyzora, curador, dagudge, darlingwendy, dawlishes, dev_ious, dinglealltheway, dirtykirke, docstheword, dodger, edgars, elizaddled, elphias, erinkirked, esp, estellerina, feebees, felicisfelix, fictitious, fierce, flower, fortunesfool, fredrick, frenzy_franzy, fret, galvinized, gavins, gillant, gimmeabell, glovesmandatory, gogoblins, graeme_cracker, greengrasses, greerie, gruffith, hailmik, happydays, harmonica, hath_no_fury, headbitch, healers_leap, hollyharpie, hustlequigg, icarus, impossiblecase, impulse, incharge, indigo, ingrids, iseeyoubaby, isthesun, jasper, jot_it_down, judes, justjorkin, kinglyauror, kiska, kookoo, littled, llewellyns, lucys, lysdexia, macks, madley, maggiepie, maintains, malcolmite, malengled, maneater, marridgeback, matildas, mattias, mchealer, mcseeker, mctibs, mistermoony, momo, mulciber, mundungus, mycroftic, mymeredith, mynameisjonas, mythomania, narcissist, nastyshock, nicoles, notagrapefruit, notorious, nott_hamilton, obtineo, onecurlyfry, ottothisworld, pantsoptional, parkin, partymonster, patricked, persephones, podmore, primrosepath, priyaranjan, psyked, ralphed, rebeccas, ringmybell, roadkiller, sarahs, scamander, sebclicks, shelovesyou, silex, smidge, softwhatlight, spinnets, stageleft, starcrossed, superbad, supernoah, takeachance, tambourine, tart, thelibrarian, thembones, thenewstoday, thomases, trpns, tttonks, unhooked, valesco_mods, veronicas, violetto_phat, vivindicated, wadcock, westisbest, willows, willss, winnietakesall, winsome_wizard, woodenfans, xenophilius, zloper, zoey
Communities4:valesco, valesco_history, valesco_ooc, valescoing
Account type:Early Free User

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