Landon Jones

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Landon Jones

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uh well...

I'll admit I don't know you all as well as I could. I'm sorry that this has to be the first real communication I'll have with some of you. But this is important: we are all in danger.

In the past months, as we've grown into the talents we have, we've grown more comfortable. I don't want to say careless, because that's not the case, but they've become a part of ourselves. We've grown accustomed to them, but there are still people out there who don't know about us, and there are some people who do know and don't like it. Do not use your powers in public. We don't know who's out there, or what they want, or what will happen next, but for whatever reason, we've lost one of our own.

Sam Riddick was killed last night in an explosion orchestrated by someone who saw him use his powers.

As I grieve for the loss of my friend, I hope you will all stay safe as you do the same. Please look out for each other. Despite what may happen to this organization, I don't think anybody who knew him has any doubt that Sam would've wanted that above all else.
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