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Time Trials (sample post) [10 May 2013|09:46pm]
Okay Richie, you got this. You've seen Uncle Bart and Dad and plenty of the others do this hundreds of times. So what if you don't 'think' like they do? You're still plenty fast. Just a straight line. Shore to shore. Not even like you're trying to cross the Atlantis, or even one of the Great Lakes. Just a little pond.

Richard Mercer repeats this all to himself in his head for about the twelfth time. Walking on water was apparently something he still needed a little more of a knack for. Most of it came down to making sure to stay a step ahead of how he disturbed the water in one spot, before making his next footfall. Thankfully, running had done fine at drying off all his clothes from the previous failed attempts, so he wouldn't have to go back to the hostel soaking wet.

It was still annoying though.

"Aaaaahhh!!" He gives a cry of frustration as he just gives up on thinking and pushes off like a runner off the blocks. He goes over the soft soil and sand at the edge of the water, before making his first few steps smoothly. He maintains a straight course. Quarter across. Halfway.

He makes it to four fifths of the way across the water before he brings one foot down too hard. The ball of his foot breaks the surface of the water at the wrong angle, and he stumbles forward. At the speed he was moving, his entire body skips across the water like a stone, bouncing twice before he is hurled onto the opposite shore, right into a bush. His speed aura protects him from the worst of it, but he'll be feeling it in the morning.

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App [08 May 2013|10:18pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Terry
AIM (if you have one): GoggleBoy83

Character Name: Richard "Richie" Georges Mercer
Character LJ (if applicable): parting_shot
Physical description: Lean with light complexion and red hair. Blue eyes, broad shoulders.
Age: 17
Birthday: May 30
PB: Joseph Mazzello

Codename: n/a
Abilities: Superspeed. Richie can make sprints all day long, but he can't make course adjustments easily, so he usually just moves from point to point. Can use speed to excite air molecules close to him to create blasts he can throw the same way he would a boomerang or other object.
Weaknesses and flaws: Superspeed only applies to initiated actions, mental reactions and control over trajectory do not apply.
Skills: Richie is extremely skilled in the crafting and usage of boomerangs and similar thrown weapons.
Character location/Home: A cheap apartment, his stuff is on the West coast with his parents.
Alignment: Potentially Heroic
Relatives: Owen Mercer (father, living), Bette Sans Souci (mother, living), Bart Allen (uncle, living), George Harkness (paternal grandfather, living), Meloni Thawne (paternal grandmother, living in the future); one sibling; Thad Thawne (uncle, unknown)

Backstory: Owen and Bette worked off their sentences as Suicide Squad members, but chose to remain in Checkmate employ afterwards. They ended up marrying and managing to maintain a double life, having two children, Richie being the older. Bette insisted on French spelling for his middle name as a concession to naming him after Owen's father. Between Owen and Bette's various older holdings and legitimate earnings from service to Checkmate, their children wanted for very little, along with sending Richie to excellent private schools. He inherited a variation on his father's speed and Owen made sure to teach him how to use it as best he could, along with training him to use his old gear.

Shortly after his graduation, there was an altercation at Owen and Bette's home involving a rogue former Pawn of Checkmate. Richie was able to defend himself and his sibling, but when their parents, and more of Checkmate, arrived, some unfortunate truths came out. Richie was enraged and hurt, and took off. He spent several weeks crossing the country, only using his credit cards when necessary. (Owen convinced Bette to let him take the time he needs, remembering the conflict he went through when he wasn't much older than Richie.) He kept in touch with his sibling via postcards, and made his way towards Manhattan.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Finding an apartment. Anyone looking for a roommate?
What are you planning to do with this character? Receive a 'birthday present' of trick boomerangs from his grandfather. Richie is going to work on street-level heroics. Not sure where he'll settle.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Eventually reconcile with his parents. Maybe interactions with the more clearly defined Flash kids, or exploring his link to the Speed Force.
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