My heart beats in breakdowns. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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And it went something like this. [06 Apr 2008|12:32am]
[ mood | Tired. ]
[ music | Paramore→Misery Business ]

You know, I really think they need to fix this whole only having 6 icons at a time thing here. You can customize your layouts on a free account, which is just about better than any other journaling site that makes you pay right now, but you can only have 6 icons, wtf. At least give us like 15 T___T Or 10. Guh.

I got to go through the car wash today Cheer This may make me sound like a loser, but in my defense I absolutely loved the suds on the windows. It's like being engulfed in something O___o

It was a really nice day out today, and I was INSIDE for most of it Wtf. TITS.

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