My heart beats in breakdowns. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Hrmmm. [18 Feb 2008|01:13pm]
[ mood | Sore x_o ]
[ music | Paramore→When It Rains ]

Alright so as I was walking with Dave outside last night, it's been cold here being winter and so there was a lot of frozen snow and ice on the sidewalks. He did the funniest dance trying to save himself from falling, and he succeeded... the first time Devilish. The second time I went to randomly grab a stick in front of him and he tried to avoid me and went in front of me and next thing I knew he fell on his ass lolol.

Unfortunately for me, I happened to step on a random thing of ice that was invisible and my foot totally bent the wrong way and I fell straight on my ass. I put my head down and saw a random Dave head peer over me with a very confused look on his face. He was as confused as I was as I'm the most graceful on the ice out of all of us. It's being graceful on normal terms that I can't do so well lol. Needless to say, my foot is quite sore, and rather swollen D: I'm icing it as we speak ::sigh:: Sneer

We ran into a puddle that wasn't frozen earlier that night, though.
me: Puddle!
me: ::glide-jumps over puddle like ballerina and replies in funny voice:: Grace
Dave: Okay, that was kind of dorky but cute ::laughs::
me: Yeah, I don't know.
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[ viewing | February 18th, 2008 ]
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