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Oops [04 Feb 2008|03:05am]
[ mood | Sleepy. ]
[ music | Paulo Nutini→Rewind ]

My apologies; I somewhat forgot this thing existed for a while lol oy DX. Lately I've actually been a little more active on LJ but that could partially be because most of my friends from GJ had accounts there but not here and I feel lonely lol lameeee I know. If you have an account on LJ and would like to friend me there, you can do so here. If you don't have an account there, it's all dapper.

I've been really busy lately, but I don't mind because it keeps me busy. I hung out with Micki today for the most part and we were supposed to hang out with her friend Daniel, but that didn't quite work out as planned. We got a bunch of books from Borders because we couldn't stop looking and kept finding ones that sounded good in the description. I myself really wanted to get Running With Scissors for the longest time even before they made it a movie :/. But it's got a black humor that tickles my insides with glee. I like it.

Anywhore, I'm going to have to cut this entry short as I'm tired, it's 3 in the morning, and... Well, I'm tired, basically. So, Goodnight♥.

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