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paradisefalls ([info]paradisefalls) wrote,
@ 2011-12-10 15:23:00

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Name: Kim Myungsoo
Age: 19
Status: Human
Family: Parents, deceased. Older sister, Kim Yoobin.

Kim Myungsoo thought he lived a normal childhood. Two parents and an older sister he always felt close to. Until at the age of ten, everything in his life became a blur as one night he was being shaken out of his bed, his sister in a panic. Barely able to grasp what was going on, he just smelled the thick flasks of smoke and flashing lights of fire trucks and ambulances. Finding out their parents died, his sister proclaiming a nonsensical story about vampires killing them, social services thought it was better for him to be shipped off to live with his aunt.

After moving to Seoul, he spent the next years of his life growing up in Korea. He lost most contact with his sister, his aunt brainwashing him that his sister was insane and irresponsible and he was better off not knowing her.

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