Thursday, December 28, 2010: 1PM
As my parents have just informed me that they will be leaving town in the morning, Dari and I have decided to throw an impromptu party.
Everyone is invited.
The party will start tomorrow afternoon around 3 and last until... well, my parents are coming home on the 3rd, so... the party will last until around noon on that day. It's a late flight, so that'll give me plenty of time to get everything cleaned up.
Anyway... party!
We have a hottub and a heated pool. There are more than enough bedrooms to accommodate everyone, so come prepared to stay the night. If your parents aren't going to go for that, feel free to come and go as your please.
Mi casa es su casa.
See you there!
(Somehow, I still managed to give you more notice than Forrester. That's because I'm better.)
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