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it's late. [28 Dec 2008|10:29am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | "only" - nine inch nails ]

And to be honest with you, I really don't know what I'm doing up.

The last few nights have been strange, as far as my sleeping schedule goes. I think I fucked it up that one night I decided to take a nap at 8 fucking pm, only to wake up at midnight and not get back to sleep til like, 4 in the morning. Go me. Great plan.

But anyway. That would be me, as of thirty minutes ago. Snazzy, eh?

I feel like I should introduce myself. But I think I'll leave that 'til later .. cause really, I need to get back to bed asap. Mom wants to go into Nashville tomorrow to do some bra shopping at Cacique, and I'm sure she'll want to go before my normal wake-up time of 2 in the afternoon. xD

It's the 27th. Or the 28th, technically. The 27th makes me think of that day, naturally. And if you don't know what day, my dad died on March 27th.

Yeah. o.O


Look, it's my face again. :D Whee!

Christmas was pretty awesome. Relaxing, although poor Jeremy (my boyfriend) had to work that morning. Apparently, movie theaters are open on Christmas? And they're .. really busy? What the hell, I know. I really had no idea.

Crazy ass people.

I'll go into more Christmas-related details later. Again, I really should be in bed.
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