I am out of the loop
Name: Cristallinaaaaaa
Alias: I used to go by alias...es. Aliasi? I went by "No" in a lot of Harry Potter games.
Years role playing: I've been RPing on and off since SIXTH GRADE. So... a long ass time.
Notebooks: If this means a literal notebook, I actually have boxes of them. It's a problem.
Earthlink: wtf.
Chatrooms: Guys, remember AOL chatrooms? Everyone was just cybermating in them. And none of them could spell tongue.
Message Boards: In some oldschool RPs, yeah.
Journals: But of course.
Favourite three characters: Viollca, Remy, and Tennessee. My bbs <3
Least favourite character: Jules. The way he thinks sometimes makes me ill.
Male or female characters: Male. Absolutely. If I ever make a girl again, guys, shoot me.
Oldest character: Character I've been playing the longest would be Tennessee. He predates PS, I've been playing a character LIKE Tennessee for over six years or so. His name was Lester Lucas Gunter, or Lukie for short. Tennessee is just an evolution of him. He's my bb. Oldest age-wise would be Jules, at 28 or 29, I forget.
Newest character: Craven!
Most popular character: Hmmm. If by most popular you mean the ones that get the most scenes, then it would be Vilca, Remy, and Tennessee because I push for writing my favorites. I'm not sure if they're the ones people like best, though.
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge: Hart did!!! Current characters... Casey, I think. He'd just wander onto it all dazed and zombielike and walk right off. Liam would be more private if he were ending his life, he wouldn't do it in public.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way: If Casey had been able to, I think he'd have tried to kill Donatien, and it would have to be unorthodox because clearly he can't overpower him.
Get married: Viollca, obviously! Tennessee would, and Remy probably will but because of Hadrian, not because it's something he's always wanted. Casey wouldn't be comfortable with that much attention and Craven would do something like, I don't know, get on a boat saying he'll meet his wife in a few days and take off to New York City instead and change his name to Dorian Hope and make a living peddling counterfeit Oscar Wilde letters and manuscripts.
Be far too hyper for their own good: Tennessee can get very hyper, but Remy takes the cake.
Rape somebody: Jules. Maybe not forcefully, but definitely in an emotional sense, where he would pressure someone until they gave in.
Be raped: Casey, clearly. Kaspar has been as well. Viollca has come rather close.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions: Tennessee, maybe. Remy, absolutely. He's way too prideful.
Get lung cancer: Tennessee and Craven.
Star in a horror movie: Remy would totally eat up the attention that would come with being a star.
Star in a porno: Remy has. He's conflicted about it, though, because while he loves the attention and loves showing off, it's really sex for money, and Remy strongly believes he can't be bought. He thinks he's worth more than anyone could afford anyway~
Star in a video game: I'm not sure any of my chars are videogame material!
Be a rap star: I doubt any of mine could pull that off O_O
Have a torrid gay love affair: God, ew, none. They're all SOOOOO straight!!!!!!!
Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Viollca
Hate: Craven
Money: Remy (because he likes it, not because he has it)
Seduction: Viollca. Remy.
Lies: Craven
Tragedy: Casey
Manipulation: Remy
Violence: Craven
Politics: Ramses
Fire: Casey
Ice: Jules
Lastly, would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: I have, omg Nicci~ And in the old game that I was in, I played a hooker named Chase Anthony, he was so fierce, and Isaiah Garnica was his PB!
Play a musician?: A lot of my chars are musicians. Tennessee plays guitar and sings CONSTANTLY. Music is Remy's life, and he can pick up almost any instrument and learn to play it in a few hours. Liam is really rather adept at playing guitar.
Play a pilot?: I have thougt about Saint-Exupery, actually...
Play a homosexual?: OH GOD NEVER
Play a pedophile?: Jules would probably go as low as 12/13, which is gross.
Play a politician?: Ramses. In the old game I played the President of the United States. He was dreamy. And not old, it was a post-apocalyptic RP (it's actually the one Lukie got started in) and he was a soldier who wanted restore government order and.... alright, I'll stop, it was so complicated, this could get boring.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Not JUST for writing smut, though it goes without saying that there will be smut since my characters seem to love teh sex.