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Natalia ([info]outofphase) wrote,
@ 2009-05-01 04:08:00

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So, since I had my birthday, and got into college...it turns out that my mother and Diego saved up the money to get me a car. Pienso que ellos se han vuelto loco. I guess I'm probably commuting next year then.

I guess that also means I should start looking for a new job.

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2009-05-01 07:26 pm UTC (link)
Hey, I can do that. You know, if my job relies on it. It's not like I haven't been cleaning up after the snottiest family on the island for my entire life.

I can definitely not yell in people's faces...sometimes.

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2009-05-01 07:31 pm UTC (link)
It's something I've yet to see.

So does this mean that you'll be able to drive me around town now? I can't wait to throw a tantrum and jump out of the car while it's still rolling. I've heard it's fun.

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2009-05-01 07:33 pm UTC (link)
Watch this space.

Oh, haha. You're so very funny. I can't stop laughing. But you can try, so long as you don't complain about my driving.

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2009-05-01 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Yea well. It's a gift.

As long as you promise not to punch the accelerator while I'm mid-jump, we should be alright.

You got practice this weekend?

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2009-05-01 07:42 pm UTC (link)
I promise nothing.

Only Saturday morning. I think Jay has stuff on the rest of the weekend so our practices got cancelled. You working at all?

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2009-05-01 07:50 pm UTC (link)
I'm opening on Saturday, but I'm off Sunday and Monday. You wanna do something?

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2009-05-01 08:08 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, so long as it doesn't involve too much water. I'm through with catching colds from the rain, etc, etc.

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