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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote,
@ 2012-03-08 19:10:00

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Come find me
She had taunted Robin with a note just for him to find. Come find her. That was all she put. She didn't think that he could ignore that.

And she was going to enjoy the look on his face when he found her. She though was going to enjoy the water. Ut was very refreshing.

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2012-03-11 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"Noted. No forms of pork around you."

"It makes sense, you never want to stick out unless you need to. Which, granted, isn't often."

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2012-03-11 11:35 pm UTC (link)
"You just don't try sticking out... Yeah. Of course I'm getting better at blending in."

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2012-03-11 11:37 pm UTC (link)
"I don't know," he teases. "I managed to find you at that mob party rather easily." Well, he wouldn't have found her as quickly if he hadn't dropped his tie pin right behind her.

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2012-03-11 11:40 pm UTC (link)
"You probably got a good look at my calves first," she says with a shrug.

"To be fair you and the Old Man are the only ones who could see past that disguise."

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2012-03-11 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Actually it hadn't been her calves but he's not going to say that.

"I'm honoured to be in such an exclusive club Foxy," he winks.

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2012-03-11 11:53 pm UTC (link)
She almost blushes a bit.

"Well. You're just that good.... The Old Man claimed I have tells when it comes to my disguises."

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2012-03-11 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"Yes but...most people do. Even the good ones, they just have less obvious tells. I know some who have no tells at all. At least none I can see. It's quite fascinating to watch really." He chews thoughtfully and runs through those performances in his and admires the skill in them.

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2012-03-12 12:07 am UTC (link)
"I think I'll use dark hair for my next cover," she decides. Then offers him a sly smile.

"I've got an interesting 'job' in a month."

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2012-03-12 12:19 am UTC (link)
"I'd like to see that," he muses while reaching out to twirl her hair.

"Oh? Were you going to tell me about this one?" He knows just because she agreed to be his source of info about the Maronis didn't mean she was going to tell him about everything they were doing. Just the big and dangerous stuff she knows he'd be particularly interested in stopping. Besides, it'd be dangerous to have him stop everything she was doing. It might tip them off to this mole deal they had.

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2012-03-12 12:23 am UTC (link)
Given how blonde she is with big green eyes? Dark hair probably looks weird.

"Just extra security for a wedding. Daddy's little mob Princess is getting hitched to some other mobster son of a bitch," she says with a roll of her eyes.

"Sadly the girl is too dumb to know Daddy dearest is in the mob. That's where I come in. I'm supposed to make sure she stays alive and ignorant of what's going on. They think her life might be in danger so after the wedding they're gonna quitely encourage her to go to school someplace safer. For her own good."

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2012-03-12 12:26 am UTC (link)
He'd argue very green eyes and dark hair was a good combo. But she was a natural blonde so it'd be a different thing to pull off.

"They have a thief on bodyguard duty? They really are using you as much as they can," he laughs. "So you'll be following around some dumb mob princess. Sounds like a lovely time. So...you'll be dressing up and I'll have to miss it. Shame."

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2012-03-12 12:29 am UTC (link)
"They figure I'm a good enough looking girl that Miss Princess won't complain. She complains because thugs aren't good at blending in, apparently," she says with a tight smile.

"If you'd like I could model the outfit I'm putting on," she teases with a small grin. "You could help me perfect my disguise."

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2012-03-12 12:32 am UTC (link)
"For once I agree with them. How strange. Do try not to take too much attention away from the spoiled mob girl, I think she might throw a fit," he teases.

"But...I wouldn't mind the modelling offer. I'd be helpful...and good at noticing things," he smiles.

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2012-03-12 12:34 am UTC (link)
"It'll be her wedding day. So long as I don't have her hubby staring at my assets I don't think she'll care," she comments.

"I just need to look good and scary." Oh the way he says that has her giggle. "You'd probably be a big help."

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2012-03-12 12:38 am UTC (link)
"Knowing some of those mob guys...you better stay out of his line of sight then," he advises.

"Weren't you the one who said you can't pull off scary and intimidating? Maybe just not in my cape." Her giggling has him smile though, it was cute. "The dark hair will help though. We'll make you scary enough nobody will stare inapropriately no matter how much they want to."

InnerBatman wasn't complaining thankfully. Because sure, this event wouldn't interest him much with other stuff going on but...she was helping him with some of the other plans the mob had. This was just a way to ensure that continued he told innerBat. Not to mention it'd probably be fun.

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2012-03-12 12:49 am UTC (link)
She groans in frustration.

"What if I wear a burlap sack?"

No. That won't work. "I'll just go with whatever works best."

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2012-03-12 12:52 am UTC (link)
"Sorry, you'll still get staring. For different reasons on top of the original reasons but still..."

"Sounds like some fun times coming up when we'll need to disguise you then," he smirks while letting his feet dangle off the edge of the roof, seeming very carefree.

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