Magnus / Christopher Randolph

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February 28th, 2011

08:04 pm: Assorted and disorganized notes on Magnus and Christopher
Christopher was born at Touro Infirmary, parents' names to be determined. At least one of his parents practiced Judaism, but as an adult Christopher did not.

Christopher was openly gay and involved in the gay scene, something Magnus has continued with as it suits his lifestyle and needs. Magnus however is more involved in the political aspect than the club scene, though he's no stranger to them.

As with most vampires, Magnus is attracted to both genders; however he exclusively engages in homosexual relations because he finds men more likely to succeed at casual sexual encounters, and the risk of pregnancy is nill. He may or may not also be primarily attracted to men.

Magnus may or may not be the creator of the mythical objects, however he does know of them and is searching for them as discretely as he can.

Christopher and his grandmother were among those who stayed in New Orleans in the path of Katrina. They holed up in the upper levels of the house/apartment when the area flooded, coming down only when the waters had subsided. They were held at knife-point for the few belongings they'd brought with them, most notably an opal brooch that was a family heirloom. Christopher tried to protect his grandmother and was fatally stabbed. Several hours he awoke later in the Super Dome (research needed), in a body bag. He seemed to have developed amnesia, as he couldn't remember his location or relatives. In truth, he'd been possessed by the vampire Magnus.

Christopher's parents currently live in Arizona, having moved there for business after Christopher came of age. He stayed behind to care for his grandmother in her old age. They accepted his sexuality, though not some aspects of his lifestyle, wanting him to settle down with a nice man and adopt children. Since his 'amnesia' they remain somewhat distant, though approve of the actions he's taken since such as receiving tutoring to reestablish the education he lost in 'the accident' and enrolling in university. His father particularly has grown closer to his son, enjoying the newfound depth and intellectual stimulation his once-shallow son brings to conversation.

Magnus has one tattoo left from the body's previous inhabitant; the Randolph family crest, location to be determined but likely somewhere on the back.

February 26th, 2011

11:33 pm: PLAYER
Name: Cass
Age: 26
AIM: oh holy jezebel
Desired PB: Brian Molko

Full name: Magnus Undall/Christopher Randolph
Age/DOB: (Both appearance and actual age, please, if applying for an immortal.)
Race: Caucasian

Personality: (Please be as detailed here as possible; How will they react to other people? Do they have a fondness for a certain color, and if so, why? Do they have their father's walk? Wear clothes similar to their mother? Have a favorite food? etc. Minimum of two paragraphs.)

Biography: Much of the life the vampire Magnus lived has been lost, not to the sands of time but instead to the cruel trickery of his rebirth.

This much is known: He was born in Denmark during the reign of  Valdemar IV to a family of some rank, who saw fit to bestow their son with the name of a saint. He was the youngest of several children, though how many he remains unsure. He remembers being told their family was a loving one, though he was destined to never experience it in his memory as the Black Plague came to call during his first years of life, taking with it all of the  Undall family present save the infant and two of his elder brothers.


First person: (Like a journal entry; minimum of one paragraph.)

Third person: (Such as a scene you might write for a thread; minimum of two paragraphs.)

General plan: (What do you want to do with this character? Who should they want to interact with, what sort of role do you think they'd adopt, etc? We want to see that you have some sort of plan for this character for when they enter the game.)


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