Tenten [ テンテン ]
28 August 2009 @ 10:04 am
ICP 04. She works hard for the money...  
Geez, and I thought March was a busy month.

Things are coming down to the wire with the expo and all the preparations. Apparently invitations to specific dojos weren't sent out in advance as planned and I had to spend all of last week making up for that inconvenience the mistakes of others. In between the volleyball bootcamp from hell someone's got a stick up their ass this year and work, might I add.

Conclusion? Tired Tenny is tired. As much as I actually enjoy watching the demos and all of the students interacting, I'll be glad when the whole thing is over. It'll be a nice end to the summer, that's for sure.

Speaking of which... I still need to pick up my schedule...

In any case, if you haven't seen the note posted on the bulletin:

I'll be participating in the Archery and Kenjutsu (possibly Aikido if sensei can't find a substitute) demos if anyone's looking for me. Times are shitty a little sketchy, but I'm pretty sure they can't get worse I'll be at the park all day.
Current Location: Cafe, on break
Disposition: working
Jammin' to: Santa Fe - RENT