ICP 05. The miles are getting longer, it seems...
Interesting first week back. But for the most part, I'm not complaining. They had a good selection of History courses this semester, and it was hard to keep from wanting to just take them all. Although I guess I need to start loading up a bit more on my Philosophy to even things out. Maybe next term. Yeah. Sure. Next term.
And with a new term, we have a new schedule. For everything. Since a majority of my courses are in the morning, Tochiro's taken it upon himself to give me the early afternoon and late evening shifts til closing before and after volleyball practice. In addition to a the morning shift on Saturday since I can't come in Wednesday afternoons. Looks like I'll have to start bringing my work clothes to school. Or at least start wearing them to school. Go figure.
Well... I've had worse before.
Only thing is, I don't like leaving Itoshii home alone for so long. Saturday morning's fine, I guess. But with school in the morning and work and/or practice in the afternoons, I can't just leave her home all day by herself. So I think I might have to start bringing her to work with me in a cat carrier or something. The hours I'm working are really only busy between four to maybe seven? Eight at the latest? The rest of the time... well, I guess she can keep me company in between customers.
So if you guys wanna play with the baby, you know where to find her~
[[ OoC: Oh, god. I do bad... baaad things when I'm sleep deprived. x___x ]]
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