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Tenten [ テンテン ] ([info]oriental_dragon) wrote,
@ 2009-08-18 10:54:00

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Current location:Apartment
Current mood: annoyed
Entry tags:i am not crazy!, itoshii fishcake, kenjutsu, kiba, naruto, newbies suck, operation save the pup, ouch, pain, shikamaru, tochiro

ICP 03. Wipe your hands, shake it off, then you stand...
[[ OoC: Before I get nudged to post again... ]]


That is the last time I agree to help out a new student at the dojo. Kid didn't know what he was doing and just started flailing around. Wouldn't even listen when I tried explaining techniques to him either. It's a good thing I had enough sense to at least give him a wooden sword instead of a real one. Ugh, next time sensei asks me to help out, I'm demanding he give me at least an intermediate student.

Meh, well... I guess I'm no worse for the wear. A little bloodied, but nothing that hasn't happened before.

...No wonder Shikamaru thinks I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. 8|

She misses you. Go visit her before she completely forgets your face.

Nothing new with volleyball boot camp practice. Or with the cafe. Although, Tochiro did give me a few extra shifts to make up for the time I'll lose when I start school again. Such a considerate guy, really. But I guess I owe him one. And more work means more money. So, at least I know I'll be able to make rent this month. Speaking of which, my next shift starts in half an hour...

PS. I'll stop by soon, Keebs. Help is on the way!

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2009-08-19 05:40 am UTC (link)
Tummy is always a good choice. But a pillow isn't a pillow when it's been beaten down, y'know?

I'll put in an order for Tenny blanket, sofa arm pillow, Itoshii foot warmer. Y'think that'll be ready for me soon? I expect quick service since I'm leaving right now.

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2009-08-19 05:43 am UTC (link)
...Yeah, I'd prefer you not beat down my stomach.

Alright, it'll be ready and waiting for you when you get here. Watch out for the hobos.

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2009-08-19 05:47 am UTC (link)
I meant the little shit that laid down the smack-

Going, going.

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2009-08-19 01:42 pm UTC (link)
He only nicked my hands and arms a few times, no big deal-

LOOK OUT, THERE'S A HOBO BEHIND YO - I'm just kidding.

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2009-08-19 01:43 pm UTC (link)
... Next time. Leave the scaring to after I zip up.

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2009-08-19 01:46 pm UTC (link)
...What happened?

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2009-08-19 01:47 pm UTC (link)

You, noodles. Go.

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2009-08-19 01:52 pm UTC (link)
I'll just find out when you get here~

Fine, fine. I'm going.

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