ICP 02. It’s like I want to hear a silent sound...
It's that time again. Or at least it will be pretty soon.
I always know when the new school year is about to start whether I want to or not. Because coach always thinks it productive and useful to hold a boot camp for her players a month or so in advance. 'To get a jump on the competition,' she says. Not that there aren't benefits to extra Volleyball training and practice before tryouts are held, but couldn't she have at least waited another week before ruining summer for us? Guess not.
Oh well, guess I'll just have to figure out ways to enjoy what's left of the break.
Speaking of which... I think it's time to put Operation Save the Pup into play...
[PRIVATE] ...Alright, so I don't exactly have a plan. But when have we ever? Just roll with it. I'll be by the clinic soon. [/PRIVATE]
[[ OoC: THERE. A POST. 8| ...♥ ]]
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