Tenten [ テンテン ]
22 November 2009 @ 01:58 pm
ICP 10. No flaws when you're pretending...  
It's so nice to know that my barista skills are still in tact and weren't squandered away while I was in China.

Private... )

In retrospect, taking time off to fly off to another country... just to do basically the same thing I had been doing is not what I call a vacation. But then again... this wasn't exactly an impulsive sabbatical. Hopefully my presence helped if only a little. He's had it for so long, it's hard to imagine it not being there anymore...

But it's good to be home. I was starting to miss Tokyo and a few people in it. So wonderful to see that Godzilla and the others decided to leave it alone for once.

So tell me, what's been going on with you guys?
Current Location: Apartment
Disposition: complacent
Jammin' to: The Way - Egypt Central