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Senju Hashirama ([info]codefive) wrote in [info]order,
[not everything is planned perfectly, the food took a bit of trouble and is not at all presentable in tupperwear containers but it was hard to keep a plate there warm the time it took for them to arrive. thankfully these are fresh and still warm with the help of the wife of one of his old team members that died in the line of duty. he still kept in contact with her and was more than happy to do this for him.]

Sorry, there is no plates, only plastic forks. You will have to pick it out of the container. [and hopefully they will be something Konan would eat. salad, chicken and mushroom quiche and something special for dessert but that would come later.] This is not the romantic part but it does come with a bottle of wine too. [pulls out two plastic cups and puts them on the table, uncorking the top and pouring a drink of both of them.]

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