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[003?] [29 Nov 2010|02:55am]
[waiting for big strong man to get back from work, wearing a cute dress, pacing back and forth and waiting for the third pregnancy test of the day to finish. figured if the first said it was positive, then it was worth a second try just to make sure ... and then there's the chance maybe it's s fluke so just one more! has since tidied up Hashirama's kitchen some, so the table is nice and clear except for the two positive pregnancy tests lined up on a napkin. oh god, is really pregnant. is super pregnant. feels her stomach, like it's gonna suddenly pop out of there. they had sex once, just once, and it knocked her up. figures.]
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[002] [27 Aug 2010|10:52pm]
[it's been a few dates now and has become quite familiar with Hashirama's apartment and the surrounding area, and is coming over today to surprise him, without the knowledge of Madara!! but he'll know anyway, since there's bugs inside the apartment. but plans to disable those today anyway, if she can get the chance. didn't warn Hashirama she would be heading over, and rubs her arm with her free hand, trying to warm up. is wearing a light dress even if it's the middle of winter. remembered to grab a fluffy white wool scarf and proper footwear though, but forgot to grab a jacket so is pretty cold. and is carrying a basket of goodies, including fresh hot cocoa powder to make some warm drinks.]

[rings the doorbell once, then knocks on the door a few times to get some movement going, trying to get warm while waiting for big scary detective to open the door.]
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[001] [15 Jun 2010|12:15am]
[waiting to be picked up outside her apartment, saving Hashirama the trouble of walking up five flights of stairs to her door since there's no elevator here. is wearing a simple little black dress, hugging her arms close and holding onto her clutch purse, feeling out of place looking so nice while people walk around so casually. isn't used to going on dates like this, but has been getting used to it, and of course has a mission tonight but that can wait... is looking forward to these little dates.]
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