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sample post [26 Jan 2011|10:19pm]
Azura ran down the hallway as fast as she could. Laser blasts hit the walls all around her and one caught her on the right arm and she gasped as the pain spiked. She skidded as she turned a corner and then stopped. She turned around and brought her two laser pistols up.

The guards that had been giving chase came around the corner and a look of surprise crossed their faces for a brief second before Azura fired with both weapons. She was grinning as the lasers cut down the guards.

"You don't have to be so happy about taking lives" came the voice in her head.

"Mind your own business," she sent back to her twin. The two guards were dead and she took of running again.

"We shouldn't have taken this job."

Azura could hear the disapproval in Abel's mental voice. "It sounded like fun and was supposed to be a simple rescue. How was I supposed to know the girl would not be here? And what's this we stuff? I'm doing all the work."

"Better you than me."

"Oh shut up." Azura reached the airlock and slapped the button to open it. Guards appeared at the end of the hall as Azura dove inside and the door shut behind her. A second later explosions from pre-set explosives rocked the hallway.

Azura dove into her small ship and disconnected from the ship. She fired up the engines and rocketed off into space.
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[ viewing | January 26th, 2011 ]
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