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BirdMomma ([info]onetobindthem) wrote,
@ 2013-07-25 21:51:00

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Jonathan A. Jameson
Love what you do and do what you love.
NAME: Jonathan Alan Jameson
NICKNAMES: Jon, Johnny (only to his mother), JJ
AGE: 24
DATE OF BIRTH: December 15


OCCUPATION: E&A construction company
HOMETOWN: Glasgow, Scotland
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Springdale, Texas
PARENTS: Katherine Marr, Richard Jameson
SIBLINGS: Robert Jameson (28)

QUIRKS: Smokes, drinks, is a neat freak
LIKES: Marlboro Red 100's, Scotch whiskey over ice, Cartoon Network cartoons, video games, girls...
DISLIKES: Ignorant people (joking is fine but assholic behavior is not), douchebags that start fights, relationships, rap music, 'muscle' cars

NAME: Laurie
AGE: 32
AIM: thepurplepineapple
CONTACT: dropbox
A lover not a fighter, Jon's the type to do what he can for another person. And he would do so with a smile on his face. Growing up how he did, Jon has a love for 'things', those objects he might have wanted as a child and was never able to receive. His bedroom is a shrine to these things in the form of action figures, video games, and multiple consoles.

Jon is close to both his brother and his mother, it is a side effect of having his father walk out on the three of them and leave them with nothing. While he is close to these two, he has avoided his father and has not acknowledged the older man in years. If Jon could say he hated any one person in life, it would be his father.

Jon has a sense of humor and can be childish at times, but doesn't care. He's all around a good guy who on occasion has been known to get in over his head. He cares about those he calls friends, at times even thinking about them as though they are family.

Jon stands at 5'10" tall with chocolate brown eyes and a shaggy mop of unruly dark brown hair. Much to his mother's disapproval, Jon does not cut his hair often enough and likes it in its shaggy state. To match the state of his hair is a bit of scruff on his chin and upper lip.

His manner of dress is loose fit jeans, as they're much more comfortable than 'nut huggers' and hates anything baggy and saggy. With his line of work, one does not have nice shirts, so his everyday clothes are t-shirts and if the weather permits, an open flannel over top. For those rare occasions he needs something a little dressier, Jon owns one white button down, one pair of black slacks, and a black blazer. His feet are adorned by broken in sneakers or steel toe boots.

01. He has a tattoo of the three of swords on his back over his right shoulder blade.
02. Jon once stayed up two days straight playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. His favorite board is Nuketown for its simplicity and knows all the ways to screw the other team.
03. He is obsessed with zombies, and knows that the world is closer to a zombie apocalypse than not. Just look at people stupid enough to snort bath salts for crying out loud!
04. His favorite colors are blue and green.
05. Is allergic to bees.
06. Broke his hand in a bar room brawl not long after his 21st birthday.
07. Has an irrational fear of snakes, after finding a rattler sunbathing outside on the steps of the building Jon and his mother and brother lived in after moving to Springdale.
08. Bites his fingernails and cracks his knuckles out of habit.
09. Started to lose his accent about six years ago.
10. Has a sense of home sickness and would like to return to Scotland at some point, just to breathe that fresh air and enjoy the rolling hills and landscapes of his youth.
11. Has a Norton Motorcycle.
Brotherly love
Jonathan spent the first thirteen years of his life in Glasgow, with his mother, father, and older brother. One day, his father decided that he didn't want his family any longer and left the three of them alone. Katherine was heartbroken for a time, and when she finally recovered, she packed up her two boys and moved them overseas to America for a fresh start.

Jon doesn't remember how they ended up in Springdale, and for awhile, he hated where they wound up. Everything was brown sand and scrub plants. Nothing was like the verdant green hills and cool weather he was used to. Not to mention that once he started school, he could barely understand his peers or the teachers who's classes he ended up in. The accents were so thick and different from his own. And given his own accent, no one could understand him too. It was quite annoying to have to sit there and try to explain what he was trying to say. His grades suffered. His relationship with his mother suffered. He hated that she brought them there. He was in all sense of the word, the resentful teenage boy.

It took time, but Jon began to get used to his new life and he began to feel bad about his behavior as he watched his mum struggle to make ends meet. The vacations spent back in Scotland with their father were hard on him. He loved being home, to see his friends and cousins again. Yet, he hated his father for what he did to the rest of them. Especially on those times that there was a new woman in his father's life. After awhile, he stopped wanting to go back.

Rob dropped out of school to help out with the bills, and Jon wanted to join him, but was far too young in his mum's eyes. So Jon kept going to school, feeling like a burden and picked up an after school job to help out. Once he was out of school, and of an appropriate age to do so, Jon joined Rob at the construction company and when Rob moved up in the ranks, Jon took his place. Quite content to be one of the grunts.

To make things easier on his mum, Jon moved out of the apartment they'd lived in since coming to Springdale and moved in with his brother, to keep down on her bills. With every check, he tried to help out and sends a portion of his earnings her way. At times, its tough living with Rob, they are very similar in many ways. Many occasions have ended in arguments, but they are siblings and that's to be expected.

a few of my favorite songs
1. Three Doors Down - Kryptonite
2. Marcy Playground - Sex and Candy
3. The Verve Pipe - Feshmen
4. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
5. R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People
6. Blind Melon - No Rain
Layout by ~Tessisamess

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