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Child Meme [24 Mar 2013|04:07pm]
 It started with a trip on Bifrost to Asgard. However, with Heimdall missing, travel had become more..unpredictable. One moment Kael was moving normally, the next he felt himself pulled into some manner of gateway. He felt himself black-out, and when he awoke he felt..lighter? He glanced at his body in panic, realizing he was also smaller.

"What..what's happened to me!? he cried out in a distinct unadult voice.
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Elevator Meme: Kael and Svalin [02 Oct 2012|09:49pm]
 These human malls were so noisy. In an another effort to win back Vernique's respect, Kael had come along on this trip with her and Svalin. Somehow he lost them in the sea of humanity. Knowing that looking for them would be nigh-impossible in this environment, he decided to wait beside the floor's elevators. They'd have to take this route to get back to the bottom floor. He'd gotten a few questions asking if he was some "cosplay" fanatic. After a few choice words, most had learned to give him a wide berth.
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Kael App [21 Sep 2011|06:01pm]
 Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Paul E
Email: drdoom83@hotmail.com
AIM (if you have one): same as email
Character Name: Kael
Character LJ (if applicable): olympian-elf
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6'3, tall, but very lean, though of larger build than average Dark Elf. Pale black skin, long white hair, and red eyes.
Age: 24 
Birthday: Human time would be May 10, 1987.
PB: (If using one.)
Abilities: Kael has been trained in Dark Elven swordsmanship and is considered a master among his people. He has a passing affinity for the traditional magic of his people, though it is notably less than average. He is much stronger and more durable than the average Dark Elf, greater than many Asgardians. Though his strength is not on the level of his legendary father, more along the lines of Namor in the power department.  He is significantly more agile than Hercules however. He shares with his elven kin their formidable eyesight, able to see great distances, in the dark, and even to pierce through illusions. An aspect of his godly heritage is the ability to understand and be understood by all manner of intelligent creature.
Weaknesses and flaws: His knowledge of traditional Dark Elf magic is sound, but he has a much lessened capacity for using it. The vast majority of his knowledge is on formula rather than the art itself. He could give a person a perfect working diagram on runic formulae or how a spell is performed via words or gestures..but couldn't use the magic himself to save his life. Lived his whole life in Svartheim, his only knowledge of the outside universe is either by book or secondhand knowledge.
Character location/Home: Svartheim presently
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Hercules (father), Alflyse (mother, alive)
Backstory: Kael is the result of a tryst between Hercules and the Dark Elf queen, Allfyse. While posing as Thor to infiltrtae the Dark Elf realm and discovering their intentions, Hercules met and was strongly attracted to their queen. After their night together, it was discovered it had been a plot to use "Thor" in order to take over Asgard. This of course failed and life moved on. Allfyse would later abandon active plots of conquest, especially after she discovered she was pregnant. While she attempted to contact his father out of respect, she was never able to find him. Kael was raised to be the prince of his people, though he had decidingly un-elflike traits. He was more brazen and heroic-minded than most, eager to wage battle on the front lines. While contrastingly his magic abilities were dismal. He was raised with knowledge of his father, though he considers himself a Dark Elf rather than an Olympian.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Through happenstance he meets the Defenders.
What are you planning to do with this character? Aiding the team through a shared crisis.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Joins the team on Earth to learn more of his father.
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