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Let her sink. - 001. all I want is the best for our lives, my dear.
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001. all I want is the best for our lives, my dear.
olivebranch From: [info]olivebranch Date: July 18th, 2009 07:23 am (UTC) (Link)
My dad and I tried to avoid them as much as possible, but it was hard. They're everywhere. Practically everyone I ran into was German, so I couldn't even practice my French. UPSETTING.

Oh, wow, that is really unfortunate. I'm sure you found something fun to do at home though?
wiltshireprince From: [info]wiltshireprince Date: July 18th, 2009 07:32 am (UTC) (Link)
You could always practice your German? "Scher dich zum Teufel Deutschen un dein fuhrer" is probably the only really important phrase that needs practice, anyway.

Homework, which was all sorts of fun and exciting, as you can imagine. Urgh. We really should meet up before school starts. Preferably far, far away from the manor. Or Wiltshire as a whole, just to be safe.
olivebranch From: [info]olivebranch Date: July 18th, 2009 07:43 am (UTC) (Link)
I have no idea what that means, but i'd really rather not practice German. It's not nearly as pretty as French.

OH GOODNESS, you really do need to get out of your house! I will come and rescue you, never fear. I will take you to the countryside, and you can ride hippogriffs and the like. Except I don't have a Hippogriff, so that wouldn't work. I have muggle neighbors that have horses though, and we can steal them and ride them if you'd like.
wiltshireprince From: [info]wiltshireprince Date: July 18th, 2009 08:05 am (UTC) (Link)
No, but then that's why it's nice. In German, everything you say sounds angry, so even when you say 'I love you', it comes out like 'sod off'. But the disadvantage goes the other way for romance languages. All the swearing sounds like declarations of love.

No no no no. I've had enough countryside. I LIVE in the countryside. Outside the markers where our property ends, I'm surrounded by sheep on all sides. And horses and other interesting breeds of livestock, I'm sure. But I haven't been into town in a while.
olivebranch From: [info]olivebranch Date: July 18th, 2009 07:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
Personally, I'd rather sound like I love everyone I speak to. World peace, spread the love, all that.

Ah well, i'm afraid the countryside is really the only option, what with all the bombings going on in London recently. But I suppose we could go to Oxford, though it isn't quite as exciting as London.
wiltshireprince From: [info]wiltshireprince Date: July 18th, 2009 07:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tsk. That's probably what got France into all this trouble in the first place. 'Put up your dukes, you filthy huns,' sounded too much like 'Oh I say, please don't hurt us.'

The bombings aren't nearly as bad as they were last, year, I know that. But Oxford sounds fine, too. Anywhere that's away from here would be fine, I should say. It's just really too bad about Brighton. I haven't been to the sea in ages.
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Olive Elaine Hornby.
Name: Olive Elaine Hornby.
Back August 2009
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