Late evaluation but that party was kind of gay lame. But I also finally bought a 3DS [and ♥Zelda♥] and I finally developed some of my film from the summer too so.. I guess I'll post my boring summer pictures like a tourist now.  Derp  He actually has all of these even though I paid for them..  Waiting forever to see Foster the People in Atlanta!  Finally inside!  Some cute girl we smoked a doob with after the showwww, she was super cool.  Driving home.  More derp.  He's kind of an adorable goon.  But obv he knows just what I like! Hubba hubba Mikey.  Hustlin erry dayyy  Sera on the dock.  Beach!  Lake!  Pool!  AKA swimming and or sitting by the water is 3/4 of my summer? I guess that's what poor people do.  Drank them to shameeeee  ♥  Idk what happened to this one but it's kind of amazing? Parents weekend is going to be the pits, just saying. And if anybody else is planning to drink the kool-aid as a result of it, let me know.