Letter To Santa: |
[13 Nov 2009|05:06pm] |
Dear Santa,
I know you probably have been checking the list and seeing how nice I've been. Certainly by now, my niceness must outweigh any of the naughtiness I've done. In fact, I might suggest that you create a new list: "Awesome." So you will have "Nice," "Naughty," and "Awesome." Awesome can be like the Bonus Round!
Anyway. What I want.
1) Food. Any kind of food. Food is always delicious, and you can't go wrong with food. Candy, potato chips, fruit, nuts... it doesn't matter. Any food is tasty.
2) A lightsaber. Not a toy lightsaber, and not a replica. A real lightsaber. Perhaps just a meeting with Luke Skywalker so he can give one to me. And it'd be particularly awesome if I could change the color based on my mood!
Either one of those would be awesome.
Also, if you have a spare sense of humor or two, I seem to have taken the Asgardians' share. Do you mind getting them one each? I don't know if that's entirely in your ability or not, but I figure I'd ask.
Oh, and I figure you know best, but Zoe has been great. She deserves all kinds of great stuff. Maybe a lightsaber of her very own?
Anyway! Hope to see you soon!
Your friend, Ohu Amane