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ohrosie ([info]ohrosie) wrote,
@ 2011-01-05 23:36:00

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London had not changed in five years. Rose Weasley had.

From a distance, one could tell that the girl walked straighter. Confidence held her up like a marionette, taller and prouder than she had ever walked the halls of Hogwarts. Closer, one could see that her typically pale, though freckled, skin was tanned and darker than usual. There was a thick scar on her chin from an accident with a mob of doxies. From her months living on location, eating what plants were available and walking from place to place, she had become both thinner and stronger. Most people who knew her before would not recognize her in passing had it not been for the one thing that hadn't changed: her red hair.

It was a sudden decision to come back to England after five years traveling. It had nothing to do with the fact that she had no money: money wasn't needed with what she did, after all. But after four Christmases away from the family, four birthdays without her grandmother's cake, and four years without seeing from her family, Rose finally had to admit that she needed them and it was not weak to want to go home. She had no idea how long she'd stay, but as she walked through the Ministry, tall and straight, tanned and scarred, Rose had a feeling she was going to stay longer than she would have guessed. It surprised her how much she missed being around people.

Rose stepped into an empty lift and decided to see her father first. That surprised her as well: she had entered the Ministry with every intention of meeting up with her mother, as she had never been particularly close to her father, but she knew deep down he was who she really wanted to see.

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2011-01-06 04:23 am UTC (link)
Back from Delhi... Or was it Morocco? Prague? They all blurred together. Basil walked empty pockets through the corridors, trying to track down his dad. A rangy looking twenty something with holes in his Muggle jeans and a half tucked in button-down shirt ambling through the Ministry would normally cause a stir, but when your dad happened to be Minister of Magic, heads suddenly turned the other way. The last sixth months were a blur of country to country and girl to girl. He never stayed long. Getting what he came for; a new experience, a new high. He surfaced for occasional holidays and random stints in the simple London flat he'd rented weeks after leaving Hogwarts. The first two years out were far less eventful, filled with musing and sketches and whatever was on his mind when he wasn't sleeping or getting pissed at the pub below his flat. Finding himself. That's what he called it. And just when either parent began to protest, he'd submit a random piece to the Prophet or a literary journal and the accolades would be enough to tide him over.

Tripping over a lose shoelace, Basil tied it out of obligation, looking at curious eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the infamous Bristow bachelor. The ruddy shoe made his stomach cringe slightly with regret. Lowell was going to be pissed he'd shown up again under-dressed. Really, he just hadn't thought about it. He'd flown in just the night before, preferring Muggle air for the obscurity (as well as the flight attendants). The morning consisted of a cup of stale cereal and tossing on the few items of clothing he'd luckily found tossed in the back of a closet. He'd go shopping - once he convinced his dad to lend him a few galleons. Just until he could bother to find his Gringotts key. Really - it had to be in one of the boxes he kept at the manor. At least, he thought it was stashed alongside his old Head Boy badge and the prophet clippings that he'd found most entertaining.

Wandering to the nearest lift, he supposed he'd try and see who was around in the Auror department. Someone there kept tabs on his dad; naturally, being their job to protect and all. Pressing the button he slumped casually to the side, glancing around in boredom. Not like there was much to see. The Ministry was nothing like a dirty street corner or exotic beach. Same, standard, methodical, bland - not him. The chime rang and the doors opened. Basil yawned, turning to step foot, glancing up, and promptly turning slack-jawed. He'd had too much sun. Too much sun and booze and mirages had appeared before, so this was nothing different. The face was one he'd know anywhere, and most of all in his dreams. Though, he couldn't deny the small differences. It was the differences that convinced him she was real. Gaping long enough, the doors began to close, nearly shut when Basil furrowed his brow and shoved his hand to halt the automation. Casual, like he'd known all along (or perhaps cautiously that she was, indeed, a figment of his convoluted mind), Basil took a spot by her side and shrugged. "Security let you up here? Are you sure you aren't carrying some exotic disease?" His voice was slightly wary and his gaze remained stoically forward. "They scan for that sort of thing, right?"

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2011-01-06 04:29 am UTC (link)
In all honesty, she hadn't been paying attention. It was the first mistake to make in the jungle, or forest, or desert, but there was a warm comfort in the Ministry that gave Rose the ability to turn off her senses and go through movements without absorbing anything around her. She hardly even noticed someone stepped onto the lift, let alone who it was, until there was something about a voice that pulled her into the moment.

More than the voice itself, it was the tone. The joking, playful tone that they had shared for so many years together that five years of near-solitude would not be strong enough to erase. But Rose was out of practice, so in reply, she just kept her eyes forward on the door in front of them and said to the boy next to her, "You look like fucking shite."

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2011-01-06 04:40 am UTC (link)
He bit his lip, refusing to laugh, though it was good to hear her voice. Far too good and simply unreal. There had been letters and occasional photos, a post card here and there, but only when either had time. It meant months and at one point, nearly a full year. Rose Weasley was out of sight, but for Basil, never out of mind.

At her standard appraisal, he allowed himself to turn, giving time to take in her thinned frame and darkened skin. Frowning firmly at her scar and sighing near wistfully as he ended on her mop of red. Willpower was created for moments like this as Basil stopped his hand from reaching up to twirl around a lock. "So do you," he shrugged, turning back toward the closed doors of the lift.

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2011-01-06 04:45 am UTC (link)
"I look brilliant as always." Rose couldn't help but grow a smile and look out of the corner of her eye at him. Whereas Basil was feeling as though it was surreal to be with her, she felt the opposite: she was meant to get on this lift to go see her father instead of her mother, which meant she was meant to be on this lift at this moment with him, which meant she was meant to see Basil Bristow. Her glance didn't last long, as she wanted to come off cool and collected, so she turned back to the doors just as he had and took a deep breath. "Please tell me you're going to ask daddy for a new wardrobe."

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2011-01-06 05:04 am UTC (link)
Smirking, he loved that she had it just right. She did look brilliant and he was there to bum money. "Was it the holes?" Basil could have defended his lazy demeanor, but he was slowly giving up. Fuck if he didn't miss her more than he'd ever let on.

"I'm after a loan. Too lazy to walk myself to Gringotts." Kicking his shoe to stub the toe, he was suddenly glad he'd decided to tie it; one less thing to look shoddy. "If dad comes 'round, yeah, I'm off to buy something presentable."

There were so many questions and even more answers. Worst, the question he was afraid to ask cam quickly to loom in his mind: if this was real and if she was back to stay. To see her, in the flesh, just to lose her again; he was nearly better off walking away right then rather than suffering the tease.

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2011-01-06 01:51 pm UTC (link)
"Merlin, Basil." Rose dove into the lecture like it was the most natural thing in the world. She shot him a roll of her eyes and shook her head. "If you're going to go without a job, then at least have enough pride to not need your parents." She pulled out her wand, which looked battered and old, and waved it by a small tear in his sleeve, which mended. "You're a bloody wizard, act like it." Looking back towards the doors, she shook her head again and let out a small laugh. "Embarrassment, honestly."

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2011-01-06 04:01 pm UTC (link)
Giving her a nasty glare, Basil rubbed the mended sleeve and wrinkled his nose with distaste. "I like that tear," he lamented, starting where it once was, "Got it hiking in the Alps last summer." It was more likely torn stepping out in front of a street car, but he wasn't about to say that.

Lectures, he rolled his eyes. Maybe he didn't bloody need her (though he knew how much he desperately did). "I'm doing fine on my own. It's just a loan 'till I find my sodding key, alright?"

Dragging the tip of his shoe along the marble floor, he sighed and relented, asking his most pertinent thought, albeit watered down to lack the emotions it was fueled by, "What are you doing here?"

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2011-01-07 04:30 am UTC (link)
With a jolt, the lift stopped moving and as the doors opened, an automated voice announced Level Two: Department of Magical Law Enforcement. For the first time the whole ride, Rose turned fully to really look at him, and couldn't help but smile a little. "Seeing my dad," she explained as she stepped forward and off the lift. "So you can either follow me, and be a good excuse for why I can't stay and talk to him too long, or you can go beg for money and be useless to me. Which is it."

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2011-01-07 03:11 pm UTC (link)
Stopping right in front of him, Basil had another chance to look at Rose without being obvious. No mistaking, in slightly darker flesh, stood his best friend of old. He didn't care what package she came in as long it was really her. Alluring him as always, desire to touch her hair came forth, but Basil was wary. She still didn't seem real and he couldn't handle the disappointment of reaching out to find himself waking up at his flat. Dream or not, he knew he had to follow her. Looking at the illuminated two, Basil stepped foot off the lift.

"I was coming here anyway," he shrugged as he strode past Rose, "Dad wasn't in his office. Figured one of these Aurors would know." To make sure it was known he intended to follow her, Basil added, "Your dad's as good as any."

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2011-01-07 03:38 pm UTC (link)
Grinning because she got what she wanted, more time with him, Rose turned on her heel and marched through the hall towards the Auror's Offices. "Wait here," she told him, as if no time at all had passed from when she bossed him around at Hogwarts and now. She knew her father wasn't the biggest fan of the Minister's son, and would be annoyed to know that Basil had seen Rose first. "I'll be just a minute."

And just a minute later, Rose came out, rolling her eyes. "There should be a law for hugs lasting so long. And your dad's at a meeting in Germany, so it looks like you're broke for the night." Rose beamed a grin at him, thrilled to see the mighty Basil Bristow was as destitute for the moment as she. "Mum's with the Wizengamot right now, I can't go see her." She shrugged and stepped close to Basil, her chin needing to tilt up to be able to look at him. "So what to do?"

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2011-01-07 03:48 pm UTC (link)
As immature as it was, Basil stuck his tongue out he was bossed in to staying put. In anyone should be giving orders 'round the Ministry, it was him. When Rose reappeared, his stomach sank. A simple owl would have saved him a lot of trouble. He even had Ransom sitting back at the loft pecking away at the lone cereal box he'd left out.

But, there were benefits to his foray, like an expectant Rose Weasley prodding for his attention. All she had to do was ask, or demand as was often the case, but that wasn't how they operated. "I'm not destitute," Basil glared slightly, finding it difficult to keep up when she moved closer. "You'd be surprised how many people forget to charge the Minister's son. Take the pub below my flat. Don't think I've ever tossed them a knut."

He wasn't going to let her get away. "Want to watch me use my clout? There's a free pint in it for you."

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2011-01-07 03:53 pm UTC (link)
"Ugh." Rose sneered and pushed past him, shoulder hitting his arm as she went back towards the lift. "Living off your father's fame. Disgusting." The lift arrived, and Rose walked in before giving him an impatient look. "Are you coming, or not, useless?"

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2011-01-07 07:40 pm UTC (link)
Jarred by Rose bumping past, it was settled. She was real. A real pain. Just as always. Basil rolled his eyes and followed her demanding attitude into the lift. Without answering, his hand reached across her and deftly pressed the button for ground level.

Stepping back, Basil casually reclined against the wall. Hands stuffed in his pockets and ankles crossed, he watched as the doors closed before turning lazily toward Rose. "When did you get back?"

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2011-01-07 11:02 pm UTC (link)
Pain or not, he was listening to her, following her, being her bestie, just as he had for all their years at Hogwarts. Though Rose had loved being away and traveling, there had been a fear of returning. No ones life paused to wait for her. Albus, Hugo, Bridgette, and apparently even Basil, had moved on without her, as if they never needed her, and Rose was afraid to come back and try to fit into the lives they had created without her. But Basil, loyal Basil, was here and going to a pub with her, and that made London feel like home.

"Last night," she answered. "Stayed at a shite motel."

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2011-01-08 01:28 am UTC (link)
"Motel?" Basil commented with disgust. There was family, there was him; she had options. Watching the lift tick down instead of looking at Rose, Basil found solace in the numbers. It was scary to consider Rose "home". He'd longed for it. If it wasn't real, he couldn't handle the let down.

"That's disgusting," Basil followed up with a frown. The word motel itself was sub-par. "You could have gone home, or rang me. I'd sleep on the floor for you," he scoffed.

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2011-01-08 05:05 am UTC (link)
She rolled her eyes. "What a martyr." Rose didn't watch the numbers tick. Instead, she focused on a stain on the floor, most likely from the owls used long ago that were replaced with magical parchment memos. It was in the shape of Argentina. "I didn't get in until past midnight," she explained. "Goodbyes last hours in South America."

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2011-01-08 06:13 am UTC (link)
"I wouldn't have cared," Basil sighed, looking at his shoes. He wanted to look at her, but things were still more awkward than he'd like. It had been five years. A lot happened in five years. He knew where he stood, but not at all what Rose what thinking. For all he knew, she was plotting her next escape. "How long?" He asked simply, waiting for the last few floors to pass, hoping Rose answered that she was back for good.

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2011-01-08 02:17 pm UTC (link)
"And how would I have found you?" she asked. "For all I knew, you were in Mumbai or something." The last part she mumbled, as if bitter. Which she was. It wasn't that she didn't like that he traveled; Rose thought it was brilliant that Basil traveled, she thought everyone should. It was just, well. She would have liked knowing where he was, at all times. Rose wanted to be the mystery, and not be mystified by anyone else. The lift opened and Rose stepped out before she could answer his question. "You getting me free drinks or what?"

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2011-01-08 03:32 pm UTC (link)
Basil didn't verbalize a reply, but in his mind, Rose was supposed to just show up and know where he was. Fate seemed to understand, sticking the pair in the same lift on the same day after both being on opposite ends of the globe.

"You'll get your drinks," Basil rolled his eyes, following Rose out of the lift. Once past, his mouth morphed into a broad smile. Waking up that morning, he could never have expected a day with Rose. Lucky bastard.

Leading the way, Basil slowed just to snatch Rose's hand, biting his lip at the familiar way his stomach lurched. He could have warned her that they'd have to Apparate there, having no floo in his flat, but even after years apart, Basil felt like he didn't have to ask. "Side-along," he mumbled the excuse.

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2011-01-08 07:33 pm UTC (link)
As if Rose had money for drinks. Oh well, she supposed she would just have to.flirt with the bartender and charm a drink or two out of him. She was already thinking of how to approach the bar when her hand suddenly felt warm, and when she looked at it, it was fit inside Basil's. Rose looked at him, not annoyed, merely curious, mostly because her heart gave a lurch and she wasnt sure why. "Yeah, okay," she agreed, and closed her eyes to prepare.

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2011-01-08 09:29 pm UTC (link)
The Apparation point was still a stone's throw away, but he'd been tempted to take hold of her early. From the moment he saw her, he'd been looking for a reason. Letters did little justice to the friendship they shared. He could travel and refuse to face reality, but it was always there when he came home; the longing, the emptiness. Touching her brought a peace he hadn't felt since the day she'd left him for adventure.

"Hold on," Basil suggested unnecessarily and his grip tightened and he pressed his side to hers. With a light pop, the pair vanished, reappearing in the back alleys of Covent Garden. His loft was a block away, a magical addition atop an old pub. It was magical itself, but served Muggle patronage and kept a low profile as such.

Shaking off the disorienting post-travel swirl, Basil blinked and watched his surroundings settle. Releasing Rose with a frown, he flexed his fingers as they were innundated with a chill. "Come on," he didn't stop to analyze the loss, exiting the protected alleyway and turning the corner. Two shops down stood the ancient Lamb & Flag. Pointing above it, Basil looked toward the second story, "My flat," he shrugged. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he nodded toward the street post and the small signed tacket to it, reading Rose Street, "'S'why I took the place."

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2011-01-09 04:32 am UTC (link)
Side along always made Rose queasy, and even holding Basil's hand didn't change anything. It took a second for her to find her bearings once in Basil's part of town, and it took another second to understand to what he referred when he said something was.why he moved there. At seeing the sign, Rose was sure she was supposed to feel flattered, but instead, felt guilty, although she wasn't sure why. "Erm. Thanks," she mumbled before swallowing and looking around the street.

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2011-01-09 02:49 pm UTC (link)
It was embarrassing to point out the street sign, but Basil felt slight relief to get it out of the way. Actually, now it seemed like something a stalker would do. Grimacing at the awkward moment, Basil would try to explain later what he meant, nodding instead toward the pub as he made to the door.

"After you," Basil grabbed for the handle, never forgetting the etiquette
of his childhood. It looked quiet inside, he noted, glancing between Rose and the mostly empty bar. The last thing he wanted was for the Minister's son to be recognized with the daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley. While he had the chance, Basil hoped to keep Rose to himself.

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2011-01-09 02:59 pm UTC (link)
Rose entered, and was also relieved to find it fairly empty, for the same reason. Although she knew she looked a bit different, she was still recognizable, and Basil was always under the press's magnifying glass. Without missing a beat, Rose went up to the bar, flicked her hair, sent the bartender a wink, and came back with a watered-down firewhiskey. "That's how it's done," she smirked at Basil, and took a seat at a booth.

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2011-01-09 03:05 pm UTC (link)
"You're ridiculous," Basil rolled his eyes as Rose thought she'd earned the drink through wiles. Waving at the wizard behind the bar, he smiled and nodded as the bartender pointed toward a familiar bottle. "You're not as cute as you think." She was. "I told you that I don't pay here. Henry saw you walk in with me. But," he shrugged, raising his arms to lean against while he waited for the drink, "think what you want."

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2011-01-09 03:24 pm UTC (link)
Rose beamed up at him for a second before taking a small sip of the drink: there was no drinking while on location, so she expected her tolerance would have changed quite a bit, particularly with the lost weight. "Just wanted to remind you how betwitchingly charming I am," she grinned again. "As if you could have possibly forgotten." Rose gave him a dark look. "You haven't, have you?"

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2011-01-09 05:45 pm UTC (link)
Scotch, straight-up, placed in front of Basil caused him to look temporarily from Rose, but just to smile at Henry who'd already disappeared. The bartender was good about leaving him be unless Basil sought conversation.

Drink in hand and eyes back on Rose, he shrugged. "Do you have to ask?" The smile playing at his lips easily showed his feelings. "You're irreplaceable, Rosie."

Taking a long slow sip, Basil smiled into the glass. Rosie. Felt nice to say. "So, really," he looked at her frankly once the drink was down, "You get sick of stepping through exotic shite?"

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2011-01-09 10:01 pm UTC (link)
Irreplaceable. That's what she wanted to hear. Perhaps only more than that, she wanted to hear that the world had stopped turning without her and that he was never the same, and only now did he feel whole again. She wanted to hear that from everyone: her parents, her brother, her cousins, everyone, because that would mean that she had been important when she had been around.

"I happen to love exotic shite," she answered snobbishly, but sobered to give a real answer. "Honestly? A year of training, two years of on location work, and two years training others is completely exhausting." Rose looked at her drink, feeling as though telling Basil this was somehow admitting defeat, as if her dreams beat her. "Just wanted a little bit of time off and took it when I could."

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2011-01-10 12:53 am UTC (link)
The way that she used the word vacation made Basil cringe. A vacation was drinks and dining, a healthy does of adventure, ended with a return trip home. Rose had it backwards.

"This is just a break from it all?" Basil tried his hardest to remove any hint of frustration from his voice. Not a day went by where he hadn't wished her home.

"Can't you just," he sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair, not wanting to tip his cards, but not wanting to let her off the hook either, "stay?"

It would be a lot easier to just flat out say he missed her. "I mean split time or work out of London for awhile." Hopeless ponce. Basil took another long drag of liquor, hiding lamely behind the glass.

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2011-01-10 04:51 am UTC (link)
She'd been afraid of this. And when she realized that, she realized she was afraid of England more than anywhere else. Rose had feared being replaced, or forgotten, or worse, needed. The look of patience she'd been giving Basil faded when he finished speaking, and she had to look back down at her drink and harden, both in her features and her voice.

"There's an expedition being sent out in a month to an unexplored area of Papa New Guinea," she explained curtly. "It's a coveted opportunity by anyone in the organization, and they asked me." Rose shrugged and lifted her glass. "Best chance I'll ever have at discovering a species." She took a long drink to help with her tension.

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2011-01-10 04:04 pm UTC (link)
Admittedly, he was disappointed, but didn't want Rose to see him as unsupportive. He'd always championed her crusades, even though it meant losing her. Basil wasn't about to stop now. "'Course they picked you," he smiled warmly, knowing full well that she would be offered such an opportunity. "You're brilliant." Changing to a knowing smirk he added, "And they're probably rightfully scared to tell you no."

Lowering his drink, Basil swirled the liquid around, making a small cyclone in the glass. It helped him think. A month was still a good lot of time. He could whine and complain that'd she'd just gotten there, or he could make the most of it and enjoy the time given. "Drink up," he suggested with a toast, slugging the remainder of his glass in show, "We've a lot to do if you've only got a month."

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2011-01-12 08:59 pm UTC (link)
Of course they picked her. Rose smiled at Basil, a thankful smile, because while approval from her bosses was always welcome, Basil's felt warmer. When told, she took a sip of her drink and nodded. "Month is a long time," she assured him, but continued to drink anyway. "Come on now, what have you been up to?"

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2011-01-12 11:01 pm UTC (link)
Rose still drank like a fish. A questioning eyebrow followed her steady partaking, but Basil lifted his glass all the same and followed suit.

"You should be ashamed of me," Basil looked directly at Rose, nodding in all seriousness. If she'd been around, things certainly would have been different; much less gallivanting and some semblance of structure. "I travel, and travel, and drink loads, and then I write something entertaining to pay off my bills," he gestured with his drink hand like there was nothing to it, "and then I do it all again."

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2011-01-12 11:31 pm UTC (link)
"Traveling." Rose loved that word. "I'm not ashamed, I'm bursting with pride." She leaned forward, wide-eyed, eager. "Where'd you go? What did you see? Tell me everything, don't leave out any details." Her nose wrinkled. "Except for the birds you fucked, I don't want to hear about that."

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2011-01-12 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Don't I at least get to hear something about being a lazy arse not amounting to anything?" Basil was almost disappointed. He expected a lecture, not a congratulations.

At the memories, though, he couldn't help but grin. "I spent the first while of summer, just after you'd gone," his smile dipped slightly but recovered, "talking to Dad about his trips. It got me thinking. If you two did it, I might as well."

Shrugging, he took a steady drink and finished the glass, sliding it aside after nodding to the bartender who'd kept a close eye. "My first stop was Bali. I rented a cabana and slept nearly two months on the beach. It was fantastic, Rosie! The food, the drinks, the...err..entertainment." Basil'd been hooked at the first go. It helped being gone along with Rose, he missed her a little less that way. "I went everywhere after." Everywhere but having followed her. If she wanted him there, she'd have said it.

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2011-01-13 12:14 am UTC (link)
Rose looked both pleased and impressed. "Bali. Basil in Bali."
She shook her head and let out a laugh. "I can't picture it, I'm sorry. You're a pale English arsehole, and you spent time on Bali's beach?" She laughed again. "Natives must've fucking hated you, mate."

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2011-01-13 04:25 am UTC (link)
"I'll have you know I tan well," Basil tugged indignantly on his collar, sitting taller for good measure. "And they loved me," he shrugged, ignoring her laugh even if he really liked hearing it, "everyone loves me."

Casually flicking his empty glass, the ice clinked and Basil's eyebrows shot up. "Bali had some spectacular nude beaches. So did Dubai and Costa Rica and especially Queensland", he smirked.

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2011-01-13 04:10 pm UTC (link)
She'd have none of that. Rose pursed her lips and grunted a reply before retreating to her drink. She looked annoyed, and she was. He'd said it purposely to annoy her, which annoyed her even more, and--and that meant that people saw him, and he saw them! Obviously those beaches were covered with whores from around the globe. "I got invited to the nude beaches in Brazil," she shot back, and it wasn't a lie. "Got some brilliant sun." That was: she never went.

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2011-01-14 12:56 am UTC (link)
"You, at a nude beach?" Basil scoffed, looking at Rose with disbelief. He could have teased her more, but he didn't want to make her miserable. The only thing worse than not seeing Rose for five year would be pissing her off enough that she walked out on him just as they were getting started.

Basil coughed and cleared his throat. "I thought about Rio a few times, but..." His expression was softer. "I didn't have a guide."

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2011-02-08 03:31 am UTC (link)
Rose smirked into the glass again. "You'd've hated it," she assured him. "You're not the Rio type. Too many men more handsome than you to compete with. Your ego would be too pained to stay long."

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2011-02-08 04:51 am UTC (link)
Basil smirked back, picking up his drink and enjoying a long sip before scoffing at her comments. "I find that hard to believe." He knew he was attractive and Rose did too. At least he was cocky enough to think it true.

Not sure what else to say, Basil leaned back and found solace in his drink. Alcohol always led to happy silence and gave him good reason to stare pleasantly at his companion. Sliding back against the seat, Basil nursed the drink as he watched her, trying to rectify reality with fantasy. He still couldn't believe that Rose bloody Weasley was sitting across from him. Shaking his head, Basil took another long drink, letting the alcohol wash over him. On an empty stomach, everything felt fuzzy.

"I miss you."

Apparently his brain had gone fuzzy too as the words slipped out. Looking awkwardly to the side, Basil broke eye contact in favor of another drink, nodding toward the bar and swallowing what he had left in order to avoid Rose's reaction.

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2011-02-08 06:47 pm UTC (link)
She had been enjoying the look of the alcohol in the glass, vaguely aware of Basil looking at her. It felt silly to have him looking at her, although she wasn't sure why. Was he looking at her any differently than he had during their years at Hogwarts? No, she concluded. At least, not their last year of Hogwarts. Otherwise, it was very different.

He missed her. It made Rose feel warm and she fought a smile, not wanting to look as though he made her all that happy. He missed her. It wasn't enough to say that she missed him, too. That didn't begin to describe it.

"Of course you missed me," Rose said. "I make your life interesting. It must've been horribly dull without me, even with all the travels."

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2011-02-11 03:45 pm UTC (link)
Had it been past tense, her comments wouldn't have hit her as hard, but the fact was, he hadn't stopped missing her. This was all a tease and it broke his heart. How could he stop missing her when he knew she'd just leave him again?

"I'm miserable without you," Basil deadpanned. Lifting an eyebrow, he wondered if she'd ever understand. Telling Rose how much her absence effected him could very well drive his wayward best friend off. Even if he couldn't keep her, he didn't want to lose her brief company. Fortunately for him, Basil didn't have to explain further as his next drink came.

"Much appreciated," he grinned, lifting the liquor in salute before taking a sip.

He had to blink to refocus after. Filling his apartment with food wouldn't be a bad idea. Alcohol on an empty stomach had a strong effect on him.

"I'm starving," he admitted, though he took another healthy sip. "I'm pathetic without you. If I get you lunch, will you help me stock my cupboards?"

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2011-02-12 02:38 am UTC (link)
Rose winkled her nose and shook her head. "I'm not grocery shopping with you, who am I, your mother?" But leaving the bar didn't seem a bad idea: she was feeling a bit heavy in the head, loose in the lips, and jelly in her legs. She imagined he had to be feeling at least slightly similar, and that meant the best course of action was to head back to his apartment and remain at least seven inches away from him at all times. For safety reasons.

She finished her drink, dropped it heavily on the table, and stood. "I should probably see your cupboards before I figure out how to stock them, yeah?"

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2011-02-14 12:45 am UTC (link)
"I haven't even finished my sodding drink yet!" Basil protested as she stood, but smiled all the same that he'd won more time. Stiffing the happiness as not to award her, he glared for good measure and stood as well. Instead of moving toward the door though, he stood defiantly and clutched the liquor while cocking an eyebrow at Rose like he was daring her to leave without him. She knew damn well one didn't abandon a perfectly good drink. Thankfully, with two already down, the third disappeared like water. It wasn't ideal, but letting Rose skip off without him was even less ideal.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand Basil called a "Thank you" and made his way toward Rose to lead her to his loft. As he neared, Basil felt his hand reach instantly to rest on her lower back; to guide her. He wanted badly to touch her, but wasn't sure how Rose would perceive it. After hovering indecisively long, Basil figured he could chock it up to alcohol and firmly made contact with his fingers. The rush was still there - forcing him to blink and concentrate. It helped alleviate the dread over Rose seeing his place. He had a feeling that her disapproval would be instant.

"Stairs are in back if you insist," Basil mumbled, still trying to maintain his muddled senses around her, "but you won't find anything but an empty mess."

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