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So! Today I was reorganising Colin's things - not "going through" like he said, what nonsense - when I happened upon my journal. He took it for some strange reason, claimed that it was because I was spreading "slander" about him - again, such nonsense - but with my powers of deduction, I managed to snag it back!
So (that's the second time I've said that, I've noticed, but now I've gone too far, I can't go back and strike it out), what have I been up to lately, you ask? Just doing my job, work, etc., AND looking after my very pregnant wife and feeling the baby girl kick!
On a more somber note, I hope everyone attended the McKinnon funeral. They were good people, and I am glad that I have had the pleasure to get to know most of them. Marco McKinnon was a great man, and I hope that he and his family rests in peace. Though this had been said already, I feel that it bears repeating - their untimely deaths were uncalled for and they really were a shining example of what it meant to be great wizarding folk.
So (oh no, my third so? This doesn't look good) I'm eying a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies that are just screaming out my name. Also another note - see Colin? Not once did I attempt to "ruin" your good name or anything silly like that. I really liked your presentation today about why you should be the new Head of Office, I thought it was clever to have you name displayed like that, very nice word play. But I didn't think that you emphasised enough on how your goat and beet farm was just like the office. Ah well, next time!