LOCATIONS | Just a list of frequently used locations in occultus such as shops, clubs, pubs and other public locations. Other locations may be added as the game progresses.
Ministry of Magic |

Located in London, the Ministry of Magic is the governing body that rules over everything in the Wizarding World. A majority of witches and wizards seek employment here but the current Ministry in power is heavily biased toward purebloods and the ways of old. Muggleborns will find it difficult to get a job there.
Current Minister: Pius Thicknesse - Minister Employees: Various Employees |
St. Mungo's |

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, the only known Wizarding hospital in Britain, is located in London and hidden from Muggle view by an abandoned department store. There are five levels to the hospital - the first four floors catering to various ailments while the fifth floor serves as a Visitor's Tearoom and Hospital Shop. Employment at the hospital is not a strict as the Ministry and Muggleborns find it easier to gain a job here.
Employees: Various Healers and Other Employees |
Diagon Alley |

The main source of shopping for all your Wizarding World needs in the heart of London, hidden behind the Leaky Cauldron. Inside the alley is an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. All items on the Hogwarts supply list can be bought in Diagon Alley. The alley is completely hidden from the Muggle world which is right outside of its boundaries.
Notable Shops: The Leaky Cauldron Quality Quidditch Supplies Flourish and Blotts Weasley's Wizard Wheezes |
Hogsmeade |

The only all-Wizarding village in all of Britain, located in the Scotland Highlands and home to Hogswarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogsmeade has a wide variety of shops and a number of residences. One weekend a month, the children of the school (third years and up) are allowed to visit the village and buy various items.
Notable Shops: Honeydukes The Three Broomsticks The Hogs Head Madam Puddifoot's Zonko's Joke Shop |
Never Never Land |

Co-owned and founded by the Weasley Twins, Never Never Land is an underground night-club in the Docklands, London which is open to witches and wizards of all blood statuses. It also caters to Muggles - who enter the club and have a slight bewilderment charm placed on them so they think the magic of the place is fancy special effects. The Ministry don't know this place exists for obvious reasons.
Owners: Fred and George Weasley Employees: Daniel "Pretty" - barman/manager. Oz Bradley - DJ/entertainment. |
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