Nunnally vi Britannia's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Nunnally vi Britannia

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01 ❀ ROYALTY ONLY [03 Oct 2008|12:56am]
[ mood | amused ]

Comment to be considered!
2 comments|post comment

02 ❀ LEAVE A MESSAGE [03 Oct 2008|11:56am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

Nunnally's Message Box

Have something of interest to say? Just passing by and want to throw an insult or compliment at me? Have a question only I can answer?
Ask in this post. All off-handed remarks made in my friends only post will be deleted.
4 comments|post comment

03 ❀ ``YOU KNOW YOU'RE [BLANK] WHEN ...`` MEME [03 Oct 2008|04:04pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

[ viewing | October 3rd, 2008 ]
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