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User:nude (10583)
Name:nude graphics

Welcome to Nude Graphics! This journal is ran by [info]party - I got tired of having a community because people join for the hell of it and never comment, and it's a pet peeve of mine. So I created a journal for those of you who actually enjoy seeing my icon posts. So only add me if you're going to use my graphics I make because they are for you, not me! Rules are on the FO entry, very simple. Just be respectful, that's all that I ask. And please, enjoy!

affiliates :
[info]above , [info]exquisitely

If you would like to become an affiliate, simply get ahold of me some how and ask :)
Interests:7: celebrities, graphics, icons, layouts, sceen queens, sq, stock
Schools:None listed
People28:aprilx0x, atelier, brena, desiired, discolies, dreamsgounheard, duck, exquisitely, freebird, gentle, hilary, hormones, i_eat_icons, infatuate, kelmo, memorably, monument, musicable, party, prinzessin, risky, rogue, sephiroth, shimmers, soflosunkissed, takuya, wild, yellowsubmarine
Communities3:above, discord, donut
Friend of:26: aprilx0x, brena, desiired, discolies, dreamsgounheard, exquisitely, freebird, gentle, hilary, hormones, i_eat_icons, infatuate, kelmo, memorably, monument, musicable, party, prinzessin, risky, rogue, sephiroth, shimmers, soflosunkissed, takuya, wild, yellowsubmarine
Member of:6: above, community_promo, discord, donut, lovestruck, promote
Account type:Early Adopter

(more details...)

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