Megyn the Rockstar's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Megyn the Rockstar

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1 [15 Jan 2008|01:39am]
Hello there Scribbld! This is all new  to me. I've heard this place is like GJ, and I LOVED GJ, so I hope everything works out here. Thanks to Bekkah I have an account, and I just realised that I probably spelt her name wrong, but I hope she still loves me. Anyway, if you came to my journal because I knew you at GJ, please add me! Just make sure I know who you are!

If you just stumbled upon my journal, here are some things you might like to know about me:

My name is Megyn. I'm 21 years old. I'm addicted to the internet. I don't ALWAYS post entries regularly, but I'll really try, I'm always checking my friends page and stuff. I just go out of town for days on end occasionally, and I find it rude to just glue myself to the computer at somebody else's house. I have crazy huge mood swings, like one day I can be in a GREAT mood, and hours later I'm sad, and then something random will happen and I'm happy again. I love everyone pretty much. Feel free to add me, I will most likely add you back. <3

Here's other places I'm at/have been at:

GJ- __libertine__
IJ- __libertine__
LJ- xhollowxliesx
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2 [15 Jan 2008|01:52am]
This is a list of ALL the fics I've ever written. I'm posting this mostly for my benefit, but it would be great if you wanted to go read them, and comment them, and love me and stuff. :D

Megyn's Fics


It's Not Over (Rated: G) -
Halloween Love (Rated PG) -
Pink Doesn't Belong in October (Rated G) -

Various Pairings
These are ones that are too complicated to just put in one category.

What He Can't Have (Rated G) -
You Are The One (Rated G) -
Proof (Rated R) -
Live Up (Rated PG13) -


I've Got To Get Out Of Here (Rated G) -">I've Got To Get Out Of Here
We'll Jump! (Rated G) -
The Fall of Bellatrix (Rated PG) -
Through the Fiery Blaze (Rated G) -


20 Random Facts About Aragog (Rated G) -


After the Storm (Rated G) -
The Unexpected Occurence (Rated NC17) -


Draco's Headache (Rated NC17) -


The Hunted (Rated PG) -


Deepest Desire (Not Complete)(Rated NC17)


An Eye Opening Experience (Rated PG for now) -
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3 [15 Jan 2008|02:05am]
o1. Harry/Draco - Winners Never Cheat (Unless They're Slytherin) by dysonrules @ LJ -
o2. Marauders & Sirius/Remus - Shoebox Project by dorkorific and ladyjaida @ LJ -
o3. Harry/Draco - Per Solum Lacuna: By Words Alone by Azhure and Wintermoon @ -
o4. Harry/Draco - Time Out of Place by Cosmic @ Schnoogle -
o5. Harry/Draco - Beneath You by Cinnamon @ Schnoogle -
o6. Draco/Ron - Unbecoming by Cinnamon @ Schnoogle -
o7. Harry/Draco - Beautiful World by Cinnamon @ Schnoogle -
o8. Remus/Snape/Hermione - Care of Magical Creatures by ArsenicJade -
o9. Snape/Hermione - Anticipation by Bubl @ IJ -
1o. Harry/Draco - A Fine, Fine Line by Tyrror @ IJ -
11. Harry/Draco - The Art and Practice of Absolute Pitch by Gold-Snitcher @ -
12. Harry/Draco - A Thousand Beautiful Things by Duinn Fionn @ -

More to come!
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4 [15 Jan 2008|02:11pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Rock This Town - Stray Cats ]

Okay wow, a *real* update for you! Hooray! I really haven't been doing much. Lets see, I never talk to Victoria anymore, cos she's a drunk loser who has no clue about anything, ever. But the good thing is that back 2 weeks ago, around New Years, lots of stuff happened. Here's a mini update about it:

Friday, December 28 -

Me and my friend Shad went to Seattle, and we went clubbing. We went to this gay club called Neighbors. He danced the night away with this guy named Kasey, who ended up kissing me. Gross. And I danced with this guy named Ryan, who was sweet and all, but way too old for me. Me and Shad got suuuuuper drunk, and it was fun.

Saturday, December 29 -

My mom and Carolyn took me to a gay bar, haha. They got me totally shit faced, and I was hitting on this girl working at the bar. They made fun of me for it. The whole night I was texting my friend Adrian, who lives down the street from the bar, he was partying with his friend and invited me over, but instead I said I'd come up the next day and we'd party.

Sunday, December 30 (New Year's Eve) -

I went to Adrian's house early, we hung out, then got drunk on disgusting watermelon vodka, never again. But it was fun. We started talking, and I admitted I'd liked him for a long time, and he was always my favourite person. I told him I thought he was sexy. He told me he liked me too, and we started kissing. Then it was almost midnight, so we were laying on the couch, and he was like, "I'm supposed to kiss you at midnight", and he did.

So since then, me and Adrian have been together. He's wonderful. He's not like anyone I've ever been with. He's sweet, and a little shy, and adorable, and I just love to look him in the eyes, and when he looks back I get all excited and butterflies are in my stomach and stuff. Hehe.

On a different note, the other day my friend Ryan texted me asking me if I was interested in playing in a band with him, my friend Josh, and this kid that was in band with us, Ben. I said yes, but I didn't know what he wanted me to play. It turns out he wants me to play bass, and maybe sing occasionally. Now let me start off by saying that I SUCK at the bass, and yeah, I'm lame. But today he came over and taught me the two songs they've written, and I totally rocked them, and it was marvelous. So it looks like I'm in! Whoooo! Mission: accomplished.

So now I just gotta wait and see when practice is, he said it'll most likely either be later today, or Thursday.

Thats all I've got for right now.

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