Sasori Akasuna [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Sasori Akasuna

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☠ 002 [Jul. 4th, 2009|11:30 am]
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[Current Mood | irate]

While the stupidity of mankind never ceases to amuse me, I will be happy when this weekend is over and I stop hearing 23 ambulances going by my house every night. So far two people on my street have injured themselves in some way with their fireworks. I have purchased new thicker curtains to keep out the authorities flashing lights at two in the morning.

Due to the recent destruction of my work space, I have purchased a new keyboard and mouse and a new pen holder. For future reference to anyone whose head is too thick for common sense: The front desk has a name plate on it. That means that no one but the bearer of that name, unless you own the company, is not allowed behind the desk. You may approach if you have need of my services, but you may not come behind the desk.
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» 001 [Jun. 29th, 2009|04:10 pm]
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[Current Mood | irritated]

I have found a new game to play while the phone is not ringing. It is highly entertainingpasses the time well.

[Email to Madara] )
The vending machine is out of skittles.
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